Raymond Szymanski

Raymond Szymanski

Raymond Szymanski, a retired US Air Force Engineer, worked at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, for 39 years and made claims about extraterrestrial phenomena related to the base. According to Szymanski, his mentor informed him that aliens from the 1947 Roswell incident were taken to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base for testing. He mentioned that his mentor described tunnels at the base, which supposedly house both living and deceased aliens​​.

Additionally, there are reports of claims that Wright Patterson Air Force Base possessed three flying saucers, with two being in serviceable condition and one damaged. It’s also stated that the base has the bodies of individuals who were aboard these saucers​​.

Szymanski’s interest in aliens and the base was sparked when a mentor mentioned them together during his early days as a college co-op student at the base​​. His career spanned nearly 40 years at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, where he retired in 2011 as a Senior Scientist/Engineer.

His book, “50 Shades of Greys: Evidence of Extraterrestrial Visitation to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and Beyond,” explores his quest for the truth about UFOs and extraterrestrial visitation. In his research, he investigated various claims and incidents related to UFO sightings, but when it comes to the specific claim about alien bodies at Wright-Patterson, he mentioned in an interview that he was uncertain and had seen no evidence of alien beings being stored there.