John Hutchison

John Hutchison

John Hutchison is a Canadian inventor known for his work on the Hutchison Effect, a phenomenon that involves anomalous occurrences such as levitation, fusion of dissimilar materials, and spontaneous fracturing of metals.

It is worth noting that his work on the Hutchison Effect involves a deep understanding of electromagnetism, radiofrequency equipment, and the principles of Tesla coils and Van de Graaff generators.

John Hutchison has primarily conducted his experiments independently in his own private laboratories and workshops. He does not appear to have been formally employed by any specific institution or organization. However, his work has attracted attention from researchers, the military, and individuals interested in alternative energy, anti-gravity, and electromagnetism.

John Hutchison’s work on the Hutchison Effect has occasionally been associated with UAP and UFO phenomena due to the unusual nature of the reported effects.

  1. The Hutchison Effect Experimentation: John Hutchison’s experiments involving the Hutchison Effect attracted the attention of the United States military. In the 1980s, a team of researchers led by Lieutenant Colonel John B. Alexander visited Hutchison’s laboratory to investigate the claimed effects. While they reportedly observed some of the effects, they were unable to independently replicate them or determine their underlying cause. [Source: “Future War: Non-Lethal Weapons in Twenty-First-Century Warfare” by John B. Alexander]
  2. Dr. George Hathaway’s Research: In 2005, Canadian engineer and physicist Dr. George Hathaway conducted a series of experiments to investigate the validity of the Hutchison Effect. Hathaway published a paper titled “The Hutchison Effect: A Lift and Disruption System” in the AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. Although he observed some of the reported phenomena, Hathaway concluded that further research was needed to understand the underlying principles of the effect. [Source: AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets]
  3. Hutchison’s Work on Crystal Power Cells: In addition to the Hutchison Effect, John Hutchison has experimented with creating power cells made from specially treated crystals. These cells were claimed to generate electricity through a process known as “cold electricity,” which harnesses energy from the environment without generating heat.

Apparently 4 pictures of aliens were initially sent to John Hutchison by Boyd Bushman in 2009 as per Check the Evidence.

John Hutchison is a Canadian inventor known for his work on the Hutchison Effect, a phenomenon characterized by anomalous occurrences such as levitation, fusion of dissimilar materials, and spontaneous fracturing of metals. His experiments involving the Hutchison Effect have attracted attention from researchers, the military, and individuals interested in alternative energy and electromagnetism. While Hutchison has primarily conducted his experiments independently in his own private laboratories, his work has occasionally been associated with UAP and UFO phenomena. Additionally, it has been reported that four pictures of aliens were initially sent to John Hutchison by Boyd Bushman in 2009.