Donna Hare

Donna Hare, a former design illustrator draftsman at Philco Ford Aerospace from 1967 to 1981, has come forward with a fascinating testimony regarding unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and the secrecy surrounding them at NASA. Her experiences shed light on the hidden world of unexplained phenomena and government cover-ups.
During her tenure at Philco Ford Aerospace, Donna Hare had a crucial role as a design illustrator draftsman. Her responsibilities included creating launch slides, landing slides, and projecting plotting boards for lunar maps used by NASA. Although her work was primarily that of a contractor, her insights into the inner workings of NASA would prove to be invaluable.
One day, while working at the NASA lab, Donna Hare encountered a photograph that would change her perspective forever. The image, an aerial photograph of Earth, displayed an enigmatic dot on the emulsion. Donna was curious and inquired about it. To her astonishment, the technician she was speaking to revealed that these dots were UFOs captured in the photograph.
The technician’s nonchalant response about the unidentified objects piqued Donna’s interest. She realized that these UFOs were being intentionally kept secret. When she questioned what would be done with this information, the technician disclosed that such anomalies were routinely airbrushed out of photographs before they were made public.
Donna’s quest for answers led her to speak with others who had worked at NASA. One guard, in particular, had a harrowing tale to tell. He had been tasked with burning photographs, specifically instructed not to look at them. However, his curiosity got the better of him, and he peeked at one photograph revealing a UFO. Almost immediately, he was physically assaulted, sustaining a head injury. This incident underscored the lengths to which secrecy was maintained.
Donna Hare’s revelations extended beyond photographs. She knew someone who had been in quarantine with the Apollo astronauts. According to this source, the astronauts had encountered UFOs on the moon. Shockingly, they were under strict orders to keep quiet about these encounters, emphasizing the deep-seated culture of secrecy at NASA.
After returning to Earth and splashing down in the ocean, the astronauts were placed in a Mobile Quarantine Facility (MQF), which was a specially designed Airstream trailer. They stayed in the MQF for a period of about 21 days to ensure that they were not carrying any potentially harmful lunar microorganisms or contaminants.
Certain individuals were allowed to enter the quarantine area during the Apollo missions’ quarantine procedures. The primary purpose was to provide support and assistance to the astronauts while they were in quarantine.
What makes Donna Hare’s account particularly compelling is the fact that many of her colleagues, even those working in close proximity, were unaware of these occurrences. This selective sharing of information within the aerospace industry is perplexing, highlighting the controlled dissemination of UFO-related knowledge.
In her testimony, Donna Hare expressed her willingness to testify before Congress to affirm the truth of her experiences. Her courage in coming forward with these revelations underscores the importance of transparency and accountability within government agencies.
Donna Hare’s testimony offers a rare glimpse into the world of UFO secrecy within NASA and the aerospace industry. Her experiences raise intriguing questions about the extent of classified information and the reasons behind it. While the truth about UFOs remains elusive, Donna Hare’s account serves as a reminder that there are mysteries yet to be unraveled in the skies above us.