
In an age where the boundaries between science and wonder are becoming increasingly permeable, the stories and findings shared in this section serve as beacons, illuminating our next frontier.

Black Helicopters Phenomenon

We often find ourselves grappling with realities that stretch the boundaries of our understanding and challenge our firmly held beliefs. One such stark reality that has raised more than just......

UAP/UFO Encounters that Occurred in 1964

In 1964, the world was in the midst of a period of dramatic technological change and innovation. It was a year characterized by a heated space race between superpowers, significant......

Existence of ‘Non-Human’ Biologics

Non-Human biologics, the biological materials derived from alien organisms, have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of life and biology as we know it. The recovery and study of these......

Daimonic Experiences

Daimonic experiences, refer to encounters or events where the boundary between one’s inner mental or emotional state and external objective reality becomes blurred, resulting in phenomena that challenge our conventional......

David Grusch

David Grusch, a seasoned United States Air Force (USAF) officer and former intelligence official, has caused a stir in the American intelligence community with his claims regarding the existence of......

Cube Inside a Sphere UAP

In an era where technology and security are more important than ever, military entities worldwide are constantly seeking advanced methods to monitor, assess, and decipher the world around us. One......