
In an age where the boundaries between science and wonder are becoming increasingly permeable, the stories and findings shared in this section serve as beacons, illuminating our next frontier.

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was a remarkable figure in the history of philosophy, mathematics, and the sciences. Born in Leipzig, Germany, in 1646 and passing away in Hanover in 1716, Leibniz’s......

UFO Sphere Orbiting

As a kid I saw hundreds of metallic and white UFO spheres as discussed in my story at unidentified phenomena. The way these objects can move, there is nothing else......

Sentient Program

The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) is responsible for the design, construction, and operation of all U.S. reconnaissance satellites, and its activities are inherently classified to a significant extent. What is......

Sworn Affidavit about Roswell UFO

The Roswell incident of 1947 remains one of the most debated and analyzed UFO events in history. Over the years, several individuals connected to the events in Roswell have come......

UFOs that Seemed Organic or Alive

Throughout human history, there have been numerous anecdotes and narratives that touch upon the unconventional idea that certain unidentified flying objects (UFOs) possess organic or lifelike features. These accounts, diverging......

UFO Incidents Featuring Purple or Green Liquid

Among ufo stories, there are accounts that include details of strange liquids, particularly purple and green in color. The inclusion of such peculiar details has made these accounts stand out......