In a time when science and wonder blend, the stories shared here guide us on our journey into the unknown.
Z Division
The “Z Division” has been used to designate specialized units within U.S. national laboratories, each with distinct roles and histories. In July 1945, during the Manhattan Project, the “Z” Division......
How Truth Becomes the Antenna to the Divine in Autistic Children
Everything our eyes perceive is light, and fundamentally, light operates as a frequency. The same principle applies to sound, which travels through distinct frequencies, and even our thoughts, which are......
Pyramid on Mars
The discovery of a pyramid-like structure has sparked significant interest due to its striking geometric features and mathematical precision. When analyzed, the structure reveals dimensions and proportions that mirror, and......
Reptilians that Eat People
The V franchise (1983-85) stands as one of the most striking portrayals of extraterrestrial infiltration, deception, and horror—the ultimate horror being the hidden consumption of humans by reptilian beings. What......
Shiva Marijuana
The widespread legalization and expansion of marijuana raise profound spiritual and ethical concerns. If we acknowledge that this drug has the potential to invite demonic entities, why are we actively......
Psionic Abilities
Psionic abilities, often associated with psychic phenomena and mind-over-matter control, may seem mysterious or unattainable, but they are skills that anyone can develop through personal growth, education, and consistent practice.......