
In an age where the boundaries between science and wonder are becoming increasingly permeable, the stories and findings shared in this section serve as beacons, illuminating our next frontier.

Holographic Universe Theory

The Holographic Universe Theory is a captivating and complex concept that suggests our universe, in all its three-dimensional glory, might be a vast and intricate hologram. This theory, which intertwines......

Sacred Geometry

A coherent narrative that ties ancient geometry to the cosmos, natural patterns, and unexplained phenomena might start with the premise that the universe operates on a mathematical framework. Sacred geometry,......

Square Shaped UFO Incidents

UFO encounters come in various shapes and sizes, with reports over the years describing a wide range of objects that defy conventional explanation. Among these are the less commonly reported......

Chlorophyll based and Plant like EBE

The Roswell crash of 1947 continues to captivate with a wealth of stories and speculations. At the heart of these accounts stands EBE—Extraterrestrial Biological Entity—a name suggested by Dr. Vannevar......

Demonic UFOs

The subject of UFOs remains elusive and provocative. Beyond the scientific search for extraterrestrial life, some individuals posit that these phenomena might be rooted in spiritual experiences rather than alien......

Charlie Duke

Charlie Duke is an American former astronaut and retired U.S. Air Force Brigadier General. He is most renowned for his role in NASA’s Apollo program during the 1960s and 1970s.......