
In a time when science and wonder blend, the stories shared here guide us on our journey into the unknown.

Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera Abduction Incident (1960s)

Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera Abduction Incident (1960s)

Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera is a former councilwoman from Miami and a current candidate for the US Congress. She claims to have been abducted by aliens at the age of seven......
Amaury Rivera Abduction Incident (1998)

Amaury Rivera Abduction Incident (1998)

The Amaury Rivera alien abduction incident is a widely discussed case in the UFO community. According to reports, the incident took place in the early hours of August 20, 2004,......
Ashtar Galactic Command

Ashtar Galactic Command

Ashtar Galactic Command is a name that has been associated with the UFO phenomenon for many years, and is often mentioned in connection with claims of extraterrestrial contact and communication.......
Southern Television Broadcast Interruption (1977)

Southern Television Broadcast Interruption (1977)

The Southern Television broadcast interruption of November 26, 1977, remains one of the most mysterious events in television history. This incident, in which an unidentified voice interrupted a news broadcast......
President Dwight Eisenhower Ufo Encounter (1954)

President Dwight Eisenhower UFO Encounter (1954)

President Dwight Eisenhower is believed to have had a close encounter with UFOs on February 20-21, 1954. The incident has become one of the most well-known and controversial events in......
Foo Fighters

Foo Fighters

Foo Fighters, a term coined during World War II, refers to mysterious flying objects that were reported by military pilots over Europe and the Pacific during the war. The term......