
In a time when science and wonder blend, the stories shared here guide us on our journey into the unknown.

Uap/ufo Encounters That Occurred In 1974

UAP/UFO Encounters that Occurred in 1974

In 1974, technology was still in a state of rapid development, but the technological landscape looked quite different from what we see today. The internet was still in its infancy,......
Uap/ufo Encounters That Occurred In 1978

UAP/UFO Encounters that Occurred in 1978

In 1978, technology was still developing rapidly, with significant advancements being made in the areas of computing, communications, and transportation. Some notable technological developments of the time included the first......
Sekret Machines

Sekret Machines

“Sekret Machines: Gods: An Official Investigation of the UFO Phenomenon” and “Sekret Machines: Man: Sekret Machines: The Official Investigation of the UFO Phenomenon” are two non-fiction books co-authored by Tom......
Steve Justice

Steve Justice

Steve Justice is a former director at Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works, an advanced development program that focuses on the design and development of cutting-edge technologies. He is also a member......
Mind Reach: Scientists Look At Psychic Abilities (1977)

Mind-Reach: Scientists Look at Psychic Abilities (1977)

“Mind-Reach: Scientists Look at Psychic Abilities” is a book co-authored by Harold Puthoff and Russell Targ and first published in 1977. The book explores the potential scientific basis for psychic......
To The Stars Academy Of Arts And Science

To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science

To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science is a privately-funded organization focused on researching and investigating unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs), commonly referred to as UFOs, and related phenomena. The......