
In a time when science and wonder blend, the stories shared here guide us on our journey into the unknown.

The Ufo Conspiracy Movie (2004)

The UFO Conspiracy Movie (2004)

“The UFO Conspiracy” is a documentary film from 2004, directed and written by Brian Barkley. The film explores the long-standing issue of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and government cover-ups related......
Havana Syndrome (2016)

Havana Syndrome (2016)

Havana Syndrome is a term used to describe a set of mysterious symptoms experienced by U.S. and Canadian diplomats and their families, as well as some CIA agents and other......
Precognition Psychic Phenomena

Precognition Psychic Phenomena

The individuals listed below are known for their abilities in the fields of psychic phenomena, consciousness, and the paranormal. They have demonstrated their abilities through various means, including remote viewing,......
Consciousness And Ufo / Uap

Consciousness and UFO / UAP

One theory is that the experiences of UFO sightings and encounters are not simply physical events, but involve a psychological or consciousness component. This theory suggests that individuals who have......
Petition To The United Nations (1977)

Petition to the United Nations (1977)

In 1977, a group of prominent scientists and researchers in the field of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and extraterrestrial life signed a petition to the United Nations, calling for the......
Pole Sticking Out Of Ufo

Pole Sticking Out of UFO

The term “pole sticking out” has been used in various UFO sightings to describe a protrusion from the craft, often in a vertical or horizontal position. Some witnesses reported seeing......