
In an age where the boundaries between science and wonder are becoming increasingly permeable, the stories and findings shared in this section serve as beacons, illuminating our next frontier.

The Greenbrier

In a world increasingly intrigued by the UFO unknown and the what-ifs, the discourse around secure retreats like The Greenbrier and possibly the Denver International Airport (DIA) touches on a......

Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the Catholic Faith

In a recent episode of “Reality Check” on NewsNation, hosted by Ross Coulthart, a fascinating discussion unfolded regarding the intersection of religious beliefs and the concept of extraterrestrial intelligence. The......

Congress Worldview has Just Been Rocked but Disclosure for You Might Not Be for 50 to 500 Years

In an in-depth conversation on the “Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal” channel, Richard Dolan discussed various compelling facets of UFO phenomena, government transparency, and societal implications. The discussion began......

Tetrahedron Pyramid UFOs over the Pentagon and Kremlin

The sightings of pyramid UFOs over high-security areas like the Pentagon, Pentyrch, and near the Kremlin have sparked some intrigue and debate, pushing the boundaries of our understanding of the......

Tom DeLonge and Jim Semivan: Exploring Science, Religion, and Consciousness in TTS Talks #13

In the thought-provoking episode 13 of TTS Talks, Tom DeLonge and Jim Semivan embark on a deep exploration of the multifaceted UFO phenomenon, engaging with insights from revered authors, advisors,......

The Interdimensional Connection Documentary

The documentary “The Interdimensional Connection,” posted on November 15, 2023 from the United Kingdom, looks into the complex and often controversial subject of life on other planets, UFO sightings, and......