
In a time when science and wonder blend, the stories shared here guide us on our journey into the unknown.

Independent research and development (irad) funds

Independent Research and Development (IRAD) Funds

The concept of Independent Research and Development (IRAD) is prevalent in the defense and aerospace industry, where private companies invest their own funds to develop new technologies without specific contractual......
Italian ufo crash (1933)

Italian UFO Crash (1933)

The 1933 Magenta Italian UFO incident, also referred to as the “Fascist UFO Files,” holds a significant place in the annals of UFO history. According to the account, in 1933......
House oversight committee’s ufo hearing july 26, 2023

House Oversight Committee’s UFO Hearing July 26, 2023

Honorable members of the House Oversight Committee, esteemed witnesses, and fellow citizens, we convene today to address a topic that has long been shrouded in mystery and speculation. Our aim......
Shape shifting reptilian aliens control earth

Shape-Shifting Reptilian Aliens Control Earth

I think for all of us, this would be our greatest fear. The ideals of democracy, transparency, and “power to the people” that we’ve long held as cornerstones of our......
How the ufo stigma was created?

How the UFO Stigma was Created?

The U.S. government, which includes bodies such as the CIA and the Air Force, has shown a longstanding interest in unidentified flying objects (UFOs). This interest mainly stems from national......
Tim burchett

Tim Burchett

Tim Burchett, an influential voice within the U.S. government, has emerged as a key figure in the campaign for UFO disclosure. With his persistent calls for transparency and accountability, Burchett......