In a time when science and wonder blend, the stories shared here guide us on our journey into the unknown.
Sixto Paz Wells Incident (1974)
Sixto Paz Wells, born on December 12, 1955, in Lima, Peru, is a prominent figure in the world of Ufology (the study of Unidentified Flying Objects), best known for his......
Non-Human Intelligence (NHI)
As we continue to evolve as a society and make advancements in science, technology, and our understanding of the universe, our lexicon must evolve alongside to accurately describe our changing......
Materialization and Dematerialization
While the phenomena associated with Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) often manifest as metallic objects or luminous energy sources, the concept that these entities can transform or shift states from matter......
Integrated Undersea Surveillance System (IUSS)
The hydrosphere, which includes all the water on Earth, is significantly larger in volume compared to the atmosphere. Estimates suggest that the hydrosphere is roughly 40 times larger than the......
Cyclic Evolution Theory
Within the cosmos, Earth, and even human societies, patterns of cyclic behavior seem to be a fundamental feature. These cycles range from the cosmic oscillations of the universe, through the......
The Curation of our Reality
The discovery and acceptance of non-human intelligent beings (NHI), widely known as aliens, has not just reshaped our understanding of the universe, but also challenged the foundational aspects of our......