The Oldest Known UFO Photograph: Mount Washington Sighting (1870)

The 1870-71 stereoscopic photograph taken near Mount Washington, New Hampshire, is one of the oldest known images of a UFO. Captured during a meteorological expedition, the image showcases a snow-laden mountainous scene with a distinctive cigar-shaped object suspended in the sky. Published by Clough & Kimball of Concord, the original card bears the inscription: “Summit Mt. Washington, Winter of 1870-71. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1871 by Clough & Kimball, in the Office of the Librarian at Washington,” indicating its official registration.
This photograph is a remarkable early record of unexplained aerial phenomena, predating the modern UFO era by several decades. Enthusiasts note that the object’s appearance aligns with descriptions of early UFO sightings, particularly those involving cigar-shaped crafts. Unlike later photographic artifacts, this image was captured with the intention of documenting natural phenomena, making the presence of the object even more compelling.

In the early 2000s, the image resurfaced and gained renewed attention. A copy was auctioned on eBay in March 2002, fetching $385. Since then, the photograph has been featured in various UFO-related publications and discussions, often compared to other historical instances of unidentified aerial phenomena. For example, the 1883 Bonilla observation was an event in which Mexican astronomer José Bonilla recorded hundreds of unknown dark objects passing in front of the Sun. Initially thought to be birds or debris, later analysis suggested the possibility of solid, structured objects moving in formation, which some researchers interpreted as unidentified flying objects. This event supports the idea that sightings of strange aerial anomalies are not just a modern phenomenon but have been occurring for centuries.
For those interested in experiencing the full depth of this historic image, an aligned stereoscopic version enhances the visual effect. By using the cross-eyed stereoscopic viewing technique, viewers can merge the two images into one, creating a three-dimensional perspective of the UFO hovering over the snowy peaks. This method, originally intended for stereoscopic cards, allows a more immersive look at the photograph, reinforcing its authenticity and historical significance.
The aligned stereoscopic photograph of the 1870-71 Mount Washington UFO allows viewers to experience a 3D effect using the cross-eyed stereoscopic viewing technique. To see it in 3D, cross your eyes while focusing on the center between the two images until they merge into one. Once aligned, your brain fuses the images, creating depth perception similar to how early stereoscopic cards were meant to be viewed. This technique enhances the illusion of realism, giving the UFO and landscape a more immersive, dimensional appearance.