The Medellín Incident (2022)

The Medellín Incident (2022)

This footage was filmed on June 27, 2022 over Medellín in Colombia. This metallic coloured diamond-shaped UFO was witnessed by many people in the city, from different angles and locations.

In terms of books written about UFO sightings in Colombia, there are several titles available on the topic. One of the most well-known is “OVNIS sobre Colombia” by Luis Fernando Mostajo, which provides a comprehensive overview of reported sightings in the country. Another popular book is “La huella OVNI en Colombia” by German Zarama, which explores the history of UFO sightings and encounters in Colombia.

Sightings in Colombia

  1. Cartagena UFO Sighting (2010): Multiple witnesses reported seeing a bright object hovering over the city of Cartagena. According to reports, the object emitted a bright light before suddenly disappearing.
  2. Soledad UFO Sighting (2015): A resident of the city of Soledad reported seeing a strange, cigar-shaped object in the sky. According to the witness, the object emitted a bright light and moved at high speeds before disappearing.
  3. Villavicencio UFO Sighting (2017): Several witnesses reported seeing a large, black object in the sky over the city of Villavicencio. According to reports, the object moved at high speeds and emitted a low humming sound before suddenly disappearing.
  4. Cali UFO Sighting (2020): Multiple residents of the city of Cali reported seeing a strange, glowing object in the sky. According to reports, the object emitted a pulsating light and moved at high speeds before suddenly disappearing.