The Jerusalem Incident (2011)

The UFO in Jerusalem incident took place on January 28, 2011, when a strange light was seen hovering over the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. The incident gained widespread attention when a video of the event was uploaded to YouTube, quickly going viral.
The video shows a bright light hovering over the Dome of the Rock, an Islamic shrine located in the Old City of Jerusalem. The light then seems to descend and disappear behind the dome before reappearing and rising back into the sky. The footage has been subject to much analysis and speculation, with some claiming that it is evidence of a genuine UFO sighting.
The incident has been investigated by various UFO researchers and enthusiasts, with many offering their own theories about the nature of the object seen in the video. Some have suggested that it could be a misidentified drone or other human-made object, while others believe that it could be evidence of extraterrestrial visitation.
One theory put forward by some UFO enthusiasts is that the object seen in the video is a “Merkaba,” a type of celestial vehicle that is said to appear in Jewish and Islamic mysticism. However, this theory is not widely accepted and is viewed as being more speculative than scientific.
In addition to the various claims made by UFO enthusiasts, the incident has also been the subject of various books and articles. One such book is “UFOs and the National Security State: The Cover-Up Exposed, 1973-1991” by Richard Dolan, which discusses the incident in the context of other UFO sightings around the world..
The incident is notable for the amount of attention that it has received and the lack of any clear explanation. While it is impossible to say for certain what the object seen in the video was, it is clear that the incident has captured the imagination of many people and continues to be the subject of much debate and speculation.