New York’s LaGuardia Airport UFO Incident (2024)

On April 24, 2024, Newsnation featured an intriguing incident involving Michelle Reyes who captured an unusual object while flying above LaGuardia Airport in New York City. During her appearance on Ashleigh Banfield’s show, Reyes discussed how she unexpectedly filmed a cylindrical UFO while taking pictures from her airplane window.

The object moved swiftly across the sky, clearly external to the plane. Upon realizing the anomaly in her video, Reyes reported the sighting to the FAA and reached out to Ignite My Labs and the National UFO Daddies, but only received a response from Ignite My Labs.

Reyes also shared the footage with her father, a former Navy personnel, who was equally puzzled by the sight, guessing it might be a drone, though he was unsure due to the object’s speed and location. Ben Hansen, a UFO investigator from the show UEFA Witness on Discovery Plus, also commented on the incident. After a detailed analysis of Reyes’ video, Hansen confirmed the authenticity of the footage, ruling out any hoax. He suggested that the object, due to its characteristics and speed, did not fit conventional explanations like a drone or an insect.

The incident garnered further credibility when another passenger corroborated Reyes’ sighting, having noticed the same object during the flight.

The 2023 Alaska UFO incident and the recent LaGuardia Airport sighting both involved cylindrical objects observed in U.S. airspace, yet the contexts and responses to these events highlight significant differences in how such phenomena are handled.

In the Alaska incident, an unidentified high-altitude, cylindrical object was detected by radar and visually confirmed by U.S. Air Force aircraft. The object was engaged and subsequently downed by an F-22 using an AIM-9X Sidewinder missile. This incident was marked by a significant military response due to the object posing a potential threat to civilian air traffic. Recovery efforts involved multiple agencies, including the U.S. Navy and the FBI, although harsh Arctic conditions complicated these efforts.

The recent UFO sighting at LaGuardia Airport, with a much larger population and much larger flight safety risk and well-documented by Michelle Reyes, did not elicit the same level of urgency or response as the Alaska incident in 2023, where an unidentified object was actively pursued and neutralized by military forces.

Another case, The Cecconi UFO Incident of 1979 involved an Italian pilot, Giancarlo Cecconi, who encountered a metallic, cylindrical UFO while piloting his G-91R fighter jet near Treviso, Italy. Cecconi was able to photograph the object, which appeared as a cylindrical structure with protrusions that resembled gear-like parts. The incident, backed by radar confirmations of an unidentifiable object and Cecconi’s photographs, remains a well-documented case.

While Cecconi’s sighting was actively tracked by radar and engaged by military protocols, Reyes’ sighting seems to have been treated with less urgency, relegated to civilian channels and social media discussions rather than military engagement.

A very early case, The Dundy County UFO incident of 1884 and the recent LaGuardia Airport UFO sighting in 2024 share intriguing similarities and differences that highlight how perceptions of unidentified aerial phenomena have evolved over 140 years.

In 1884, in Dundy County, Nebraska, cowboys including rancher John Ellis observed what appeared to be a long, cylindrical object after witnessing a “blazing body” falling to Earth, accompanied by a loud whirring noise. The object, described as metallic and roughly 50 to 60 feet long, left debris scattered over the prairie and was initially too hot to approach. This incident, much like a classic UFO crash tale, involved direct physical interaction with the unidentified object, including observations of material debris and an impact site.

Contrast this with the 2024 incident, where Michelle Reyes captured a fast-moving cylindrical object on video while flying above LaGuardia Airport. This sighting involved no physical debris or impact but was instead documented digitally and discussed in a media interview. Reyes reported the sighting to authorities and engaged with UFO researchers, reflecting a modern approach to UFO sightings that relies heavily on digital media and communication with the public and investigative bodies. Even so the FAA continues to obfuscate and the coverup continues.

Cylindrical UFOs, like the one Reyes reported, are typically described as elongated and tube-like, sometimes resembling a cruise missile but without any visible propulsion systems. These objects are often reported to move at high speeds and with trajectories that are not typical of conventional aircraft.

The concept that UFOs tag all aircraft, appears to be happening, particularly concerning events in Southern California where numerous sightings have been reported. Documented interactions, mostly involving military and law enforcement aircraft, have been observed with UFOs engaging in what’s described as “tagging” behavior. This term suggests a form of reconnaissance or investigation by the unidentified objects, which exhibit curiosity about other airborne objects. These phenomena, often captured using high-speed video technology, continue to be a subject of study.

As our interaction with UAP continues to evolve, the integration of digital media, expert analysis, and public involvement is crucial. It helps not only in documenting and understanding these phenomena but also in shaping how society and regulatory bodies respond to these sightings. The LaGuardia incident, therefore, not only adds to the historical catalog of UAP sightings but also underscores the importance of a coordinated and open approach to such unexplained events.
