Small Body Aliens Some people speculate that small aliens may be easier to travel and maneuver in space, as they would require less resources and technology. Others believe that small aliens may have...
Large Almond Shaped Eyes Aliens These are just a few of the many UFO stories that have described beings with large almond-shaped eyes. Here are a few UFO stories that have described beings with large...
Paralyzed Witnesses UFO These are just a few examples of UFO sightings where witnesses have reported feeling paralyzed during their encounters with strange, unidentified objects. While the exact causes of these sensations remain...
Triangle Shaped UFO Incidents In recent decades, there has been a consistent pattern of alleged UFO sightings across the globe featuring large, triangular objects. These sightings span from Australia to the United States to...
Crashed UFO Incidents Throughout history, there have been numerous reports of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) crashing on Earth. These intriguing incidents have captured the imagination of millions, fueling speculation about extraterrestrial life, advanced...
Low Humming Noise or Strange Noise or Pulsating Noise UFO Incidents A low humming noise or strange noise is often described as a persistent, low-frequency sound that is difficult to locate. It can be caused by various factors, including mechanical or...
Metallic Sphere-Shaped UFO Incidents UFO sightings of metallic sphere-shaped crafts have been reported throughout history, with numerous accounts detailing encounters with these mysterious objects. Here is a list of UFO stories that talk about...
Large Cigar-Shaped UFO Incidents A large, cigar-shaped UFO is a type of unidentified flying object (UFO) that is described as having a cylindrical or elongated shape, often with a smooth surface and no distinct...
Metallic Debris and UFO Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) have been a topic of interest and speculation for decades, with many reported incidents and sightings throughout the world. While most UFO sightings can be explained...