Atomic Energy Act At first glance, the connection between the Atomic Energy Act (AEA) and the phenomenon of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) or UFOs seems tenuous. The AEA, after all, focuses predominantly on...
Leavenworth Disciplinary Barracks (USDB) The USDB is a military prison located on Fort Leavenworth, a U.S. Army post in Kansas. The USDB is the U.S. military’s only maximum-security facility that houses male service members...
Time Dilation in the Realm of UAP If a UAP or any object were experiencing significant gravitational time dilation and then entered Earth’s observational field, it might appear to execute maneuvers at incredible speeds. What seems like...
Controlled Disclosure Campaign Plan for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Records With rising concerns and interest in unidentified anomalous phenomena records, there is a pressing need to have a streamlined and systematic method for public disclosure. The Controlled Disclosure Campaign Plan...
The Custodians The history of our world is filled with legends and myths that have captivated our imaginations for millennia. Among them, the tales of “The Custodians” and the “Brotherhood of the...
Friction and Cavitation of Trans-Medium Craft Trans-medium crafts, vehicles designed to traverse both aerial and aquatic environments, grapple with an array of operational intricacies. Among the most formidable challenges are the repercussions of friction and cavitation....
Lokas and Talas “Lokas” and “Talas” are concepts that come from Hindu and Buddhist cosmologies, referring to different dimensions or planes of existence. In these religious and philosophical systems, “Lokas” are higher, more...
Perception of Electromagnetic Spectrum Human perception is limited by the biophysical constraints of our sensory organs. Our eyes, for instance, can only perceive a fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum, roughly ranging from 400 to...
Alien Jaw Bone Model The Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Dayton, Ohio, is known for providing essential medical services to the men and women who have served in the armed forces. What many don’t...
Alien Agenda Worst-Case Scenarios Our collective fascination with the idea of extraterrestrial life often nudges us toward an unsettling question: What if aliens have an agenda that’s so complex or perilous that it’s not...