Order versus Chaos Warfare In a world where the concepts of order and chaos often stand in stark opposition, there exists a profound narrative that questions the fabric of our existence with the mysteries...
Project Aquarius Project Aquarius stands as a monumental testament to the United States’ covert operations in unraveling the world of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and Identified Alien Crafts (IAC). Initiated in 1955...
NSC/ MJ-12 Special Studies Project A memorandum dated May 14, 1954, labeled for special restricted security information, addressed to General Twining, has been documented regarding the NSC/MJ-12 Special Studies Project. The memo indicates that the...
All-Domain Phenomena In response to Sean Kirkpatrick’s article “We Need to Investigate UFOs. But Without the Distraction of Conspiracy Theories” in Scientific American, there are several points of contention that warrant a...
Information Warfare In the 50th episode of “WEAPONIZED” titled “What Washington Wants – First Hand UFO Witnesses,” hosted by Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp, the duo look into the realm of the...
Was the Roswell UFO Incident real? Yes. In a revealing interview with Kerrang Radio on July 23, 2008, Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon, shared his conviction about the existence of extraterrestrial life...
Ross Coulthart and Professor Michio Kaku on UFO In a captivating interview on February 29, 2024, Ross Coulthart engaged with Professor Michio Kaku for an in-depth conversation on the subject of UFOs and UAPs. This dialogue, bridging the...
UFO Beeping Sounds The audio of a series of events related to UFO encounters and the associated phenomena recorded over a span of 25 years, from 1968 to 1992. It outlines four distinct...
The Global Threat – UFOs: Investigating the Unknown In the compelling episode “The Global Threat – UFOs: Investigating the Unknown” on National Geographic channel, a deeply intriguing narrative unfolds, encapsulating a series of mysterious encounters with unidentified flying...
Sky Canada Project In the midst of burgeoning interest surrounding Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs), the Sky Canada Project emerged as a beacon of hope for those seeking transparency and scientific exploration of these...