The Program Documentary James Fox’s upcoming documentary The Program builds upon the momentum from his previous works like The Phenomenon and Moment of Contact. This film focuses on whistleblowers, congressional hearings, and the...
The Glomar Explorer UFO Connection The Glomar Explorer, built under the guise of Howard Hughes’ marine research and deep-sea mining venture, was actually a CIA front for one of the most ambitious and secretive Cold...
Spirit Molecule There has been a growing interest in exploring whether the entities encountered during Spirit Molecule experiences may be the same non-human intelligences (NHIs) reported in UFO encounters and abductions. Researchers...
All-Seeing Eye The Eye of Providence, also known as the All-Seeing Eye, is a symbol featuring an eye enclosed within a triangle, often surrounded by rays of light or radiant glory. While...
Wilson Davis Memo The Wilson-Davis Memo also known as Admiral Wilson Memo is a key document that anyone investigating the UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) topic should be aware of. This memo, allegedly typed...
The Borderlands of Science The Borderland Sciences Research Association (BSRA), founded in 1945 by Meade Layne, was ahead of its time in exploring phenomena that mainstream science was either unwilling or unable to investigate....
Super Weapon of War The Manhattan Project officially started on August 13, 1942. This was the day when the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was tasked with overseeing the project, marking its formal beginning....
Babalon Working The Babalon Working was a series of occult rituals conducted in 1946 by rocket scientist Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard, the future founder of Scientology. These rituals were deeply...
Who Really Rules the World? In a recent video, TJ Owen looks into the pervasive question, “Who really rules the world?” TJ Owen, an author of two books focused on his personal encounters with UFOs,...
Asteroid Apophis In the best-case scenario, Asteroid Apophis will pass Earth on Friday, April 13, 2029, at a distance of roughly 19,000 miles (31,000 kilometers), narrowly avoiding impact. While this close encounter...