Randal Carlson Randall Carlson is a geological and anthropological theorist, independent scholar, and teacher who has gained attention for his unconventional theories on Earth’s catastrophic history, sacred geometry, and cosmic events’ impact...
Will Miller Will Miller is a former U.S. Navy officer and an influential figure within the UFO and UAP research community. He has a background in intelligence and national security, which has...
George Van Tassel George Van Tassel was an enigmatic figure in the world of ufology and aeronautical engineering. Born on March 12, 1910, in Jefferson, Ohio, Van Tassel became well-known for his work...
Karl Wolfe Karl Wolfe was a relatively enigmatic figure in the fields of UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) and UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) research, known for his controversial claims regarding extraterrestrial activity and...
Eric Arthur Walker Eric Arthur Walker was a British-American scientist, engineer, and academic administrator, recognized for his significant contributions to the field of electrical engineering and his tenure as the President of Pennsylvania...
Robert Irving Sarbacher Robert Irving Sarbacher (1907-1986) was an American scientist, inventor, and academic with a distinguished career in various fields, including physics, engineering, and education. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, Sarbacher received a...
Graham Hancock Graham Hancock is a British author, journalist, and researcher who is best known for his work on ancient civilizations, forgotten history, and unexplained phenomena. Born on August 2, 1950, in...
John Callahan John Callahan is an American UFO researcher and former Division Chief of the Accidents and Investigations Branch of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in the United States. He has become...
Robert Wood Dr. Robert M. Wood is an esteemed physicist, aerospace engineer, and renowned ufologist. With a passion for exploring the unknown, he has dedicated his life to researching unidentified aerial phenomena...
Richard French Richard French is a retired Lieutenant Colonel from the United States Air Force with a long career in the military, having served as an investigator for Project Blue Book, a...