The Flatwoods Monster Incident (1952) The Flatwoods Monster incident occurred on September 12, 1952, in the small town of Flatwoods, West Virginia. It involved a group of individuals who encountered a strange creature in the...
The Berwyn Mountain Incident (1974) The Berwyn Mountain Incident, also known as the Welsh Roswell, is a highly controversial and mysterious event that occurred on January 23, 1974, in Llandrillo, Wales. The incident involved reports...
The Trans-en-Provence Case (1981) The Trans-en-Provence Case is one of the most well-documented and compelling cases in the history of UFO research. The incident occurred on January 8, 1981, in Trans-en-Provence, France, when a...
The Landing Trace Case (1940s) The Landing Trace Case, also known as the “Landing Marks Case,” is a significant incident in the history of UFO research. The incident occurred in the 1940s in a rural...
The Broad Haven UFO Incident (1977) The 1977 Broad Haven UFO Incident is an incident that occurred in Broad Haven, Wales, UK, where a group of schoolchildren reported seeing a UFO and encountering strange beings with...
The Massena UFO Incident (1954) The Massena UFO Incident occurred on November 2, 1954, in Massena, New York. The incident is considered to be one of the most well-known and well-documented cases of UFO sightings...
The 2013 Aguadilla Puerto Rico UAP (2013) The 2013 Aguadilla Puerto Rico UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) Incident occurred on April 25, 2013, when a Customs and Border Protection (CBP) aircraft captured footage of a strange object flying...
The Fort Monmouth UFO Incident (1951) The Fort Monmouth UFO Incident occurred in 1951 and involved several eyewitness accounts of strange objects in the sky over the US Army Signal Corps laboratory at Fort Monmouth, New...
The Incident at Exeter (1965) The Incident at Exeter occurred in 1965 in the small town of Exeter, New Hampshire, and has since become one of the most well-known and well-documented cases of UFO sightings...
UFO Watches Over Paris Incident (2020) On April 10, 2020, a video surfaced on social media showing what appeared to be a UFO hovering over Paris, France. The video quickly went viral, sparking widespread speculation and...