Two Fighter Jets chase UFO in West Midlands UK (2010) In April 2010, an intriguing incident took place in the West Midlands, UK, where two fighter jets were apparently filmed chasing a UFO along the M5 motorway. The footage, captured...
Pantex Nuclear Facility UAP Incident (2015) The document from the Department of Energy (DOE) regarding the Pantex Nuclear Facility UAP incident is heavily redacted, which leaves many details obscured. The incident occurred on September 2, 2015,...
Calvine UFO Incident (1990) The Calvine UFO photograph has been dubbed one of the clearest and most mysterious UFO images ever taken. On August 4, 1990, two hikers in Calvine, Scotland, claimed to have...
Sir Francis Chichester UFO Incident (1931) Sir Francis Chichester, a renowned British aviator and sailor, recounted an extraordinary experience during his pioneering solo flight from New Zealand to Australia in 1931. Working from his map-making office...
UFO Green Beam Incidents (2013) In late 2013, a series of UFO sightings across the eastern United States captivated onlookers and sparked widespread discussion. From the rural landscapes of Michigan to the bustling urban environment...
New York’s LaGuardia Airport UFO Incident (2024) On April 24, 2024, Newsnation featured an intriguing incident involving Michelle Reyes who captured an unusual object while flying above LaGuardia Airport in New York City. During her appearance on...
Langley AFB UAP Incident (2024) Langley Air Force Base experienced a significant and perplexing security challenges for weeks around December 2023, when it became the focal point of numerous drone incursions. These events were not...
Cynthia Appleton Incident (1957) Cynthia Appleton, a housewife from Birmingham, UK, who reported an extraordinary encounter in 1957. According to her account, she encountered a tall, fair-haired man resembling what many in the UFO...
Eglin Air Force Base Incident (2023) In January 2023, an intriguing incident involving a U.S. Air Force pilot and multiple Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) was first highlighted by Congressman Matt Gaetz, sparking considerable interest and debate....
UFO filmed by News Station in Denver Incident (2012) In November 2012, a curious incident captured the attention of many when a Denver news station reported on unidentified flying objects (UFOs) that were not visible to the naked eye...