San Antonito UFO Crash (1945) Just a month following the inaugural nuclear detonation in 1945, and two years preceding the famed Roswell incident, it is alleged that the US military engaged in the retrieval of...
Berezovsky, Region of Sverdlovsk, Russian Federation Crash (1969) In the vast wilderness of Berezovsky, a town nestled in the Ural Federal District of Russia, an unusual event had reportedly unfolded in 1969. A UFO, purportedly crashed and stranded...
The Height 611 UFO Incident (1986) The Height 611 UFO Incident, also known as the Dalnegorsk Incident, is one of the most well-documented and intriguing cases in the history of UFO research. The incident occurred on...
The Kingman UFO Crash (1953) The Kingman UFO Crash is a well-known event in the UFO community that allegedly occurred in May 1953 near Kingman, Arizona, in the United States. According to various accounts, a...
The El Tari UFO Landing Incident (1977) The El Tari UFO Landing is a widely reported incident that occurred in 1977 in the town of El Tari, Indonesia. The event has become one of the most well-known...
The Kecksburg Incident (1965) The Kecksburg UFO incident took place on December 9, 1965 in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, United States. According to various eyewitness accounts and UFO researchers, a large, metallic object resembling a bell...
The Aurora Texas Incident (1897) The Aurora Texas UFO incident, one of the oldest documented cases of a UFO sighting in the United States, occurred in the early morning hours of April 17, 1897, in...
The Shag Harbour Incident (1967) The Shag Harbour Incident is one of the most well-known UFO sightings in Canadian history and is widely regarded as one of the most credible and well-documented UFO cases of...
The Varginha, Brazil Crash Incident (1996) The Varginha, Brazil UFO incident is one of the most well-known and controversial UFO sightings in recent history. It took place in January 1996 in the city of Varginha, Brazil,...
The Roswell Crash Incident (1947) The Roswell incident involved two distinct crash sites, rather than one. According to these accounts, two unidentified flying objects met their end near Roswell, New Mexico, in July 1947, only...