The Abduction of Maria and Ana (1983) The abduction of Maria and Ana in 1983 is an intriguing event that has captivated both believers and skeptics alike. The incident, which took place in the rural town of...
Terry Lovelace Abduction (1977) The Incident at Devil’s Den is a fascinating and chilling account of an alleged extraterrestrial encounter experienced by Terry Lovelace and his friend Tobias while on a camping trip in...
Linda Cortile Abduction Incident (1989) In 1989, the Linda Cortile Abduction Incident occurred in New York City, and it has since been the subject of much controversy and speculation. The incident involved a woman named...
The Zanfretta Abduction (1978) The Zanfretta Abduction is a case of alleged alien abduction that occurred in Italy in the late 1970s. The incident involved a security guard named Pier Zanfretta, who claimed to...
Amy Rydell Abduction Incident (1991) Amy Rydell is a woman who claims to have been abducted by aliens in 1991. Rydell’s account of her alleged abduction includes a number of common elements reported by other...
Kathie Davis Abduction Incident (1987) Kathie Davis was a married mother of two who claimed to have been abducted by aliens in 1987. Her story gained national attention and was investigated by well-known abduction researcher,...
The Abduction of Holly and Jesse (1988) The Abduction of Holly and Jesse is a purported UFO abduction case that occurred in 1988 in the small town of Pascagoula, Mississippi. The incident involved two young siblings, Holly...
The Sweden UFO Abduction (1944) The alleged Sweden UFO abduction in 1944 is a well-known case in the world of UFOs. According to the account, an anonymous man was walking through the woods near his...
Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera Abduction Incident (1960s) Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera is a former councilwoman from Miami and a current candidate for the US Congress. She claims to have been abducted by aliens at the age of seven...
Amaury Rivera Abduction Incident (1998) The Amaury Rivera alien abduction incident is a widely discussed case in the UFO community. According to reports, the incident took place in the early hours of August 20, 2004,...