UFOs over Iraq: A True Story of the Occult, Militaries, and the Aerospace Industry

UFOs over Iraq: A True Story of the Occult, Militaries, and the Aerospace Industry” is a book written by Paul Stonehill and Philip Mantle. The book covers the experiences of former Iraqi Air Force pilot, Captain Adil Rashid, who witnessed numerous UFO sightings during his time in the military. The authors also explore the larger context of UFO sightings and encounters, including the history of the occult and military involvement in UFO investigations.

Key Claims:

  1. UFO Sightings in Iraq: The book claims that there were numerous UFO sightings in Iraq, including those witnessed by Captain Adil Rashid during his time in the military. According to the authors, Rashid witnessed a variety of strange phenomena, including a flying object that was able to hover and maneuver in ways that defied conventional aircraft.
  2. Military Involvement: The book also explores the role of military organizations in investigating UFO sightings. The authors suggest that many military organizations around the world have been involved in investigating UFO sightings, including those in Iraq.
  3. The Occult: The book also looks into the history of the occult and its relationship to UFO sightings. The authors suggest that there may be a connection between UFO sightings and occult practices, although they acknowledge that this remains a topic of debate.
  4. The Aerospace Industry: The authors explore the role of the aerospace industry in investigating and potentially developing technology based on UFO sightings. They suggest that many aerospace companies have been involved in studying UFO sightings, and that there may be a potential connection between UFO sightings and technological advancements in the aerospace industry.


  1. Captain Adil Rashid: The book’s primary focus is on the experiences of Captain Adil Rashid, a former Iraqi Air Force pilot who witnessed numerous UFO sightings during his time in the military.
  2. Paul Stonehill: The co-author of the book, Paul Stonehill, is a researcher and writer who has written extensively on topics related to UFO sightings and encounters.
  3. Philip Mantle: The other co-author of the book, Philip Mantle, is a UFO researcher and writer who has written numerous books on the topic of UFO sightings and encounters.

Other Books:

  1. “Beyond Roswell: The Alien Autopsy Film, Area 51, and the U.S. Government Coverup of UFOs” by Philip Mantle: This book explores the Roswell UFO incident, which is one of the most famous UFO sightings in history. The book examines the evidence surrounding the incident and suggests that the U.S. government may have covered up evidence of extraterrestrial life.
  2. “Unidentified: The UFO Phenomenon” by Philip Mantle: This book explores the history of UFO sightings and encounters, as well as the scientific and cultural context surrounding these phenomena.
  3. “Soviet UFO Files: Paranormal Encounters Behind the Iron Curtain” by Paul Stonehill: This book explores the history of UFO sightings and encounters in the Soviet Union, including the experiences of Soviet military personnel and other witnesses.

“UFOs over Iraq: A True Story of the Occult, Militaries, and the Aerospace Industry” explores the experiences of former Iraqi Air Force pilot Captain Adil Rashid and his encounters with UFOs. The book also examines the larger context of UFO sightings and encounters, including the roles of military organizations, the history of the occult, and the potential connections between UFO sightings and technological advancements in the aerospace industry. The book is co-authored by Paul Stonehill and Philip Mantle, both of whom are experienced UFO researchers and writers.
