The Gods of Eden

“The Gods of Eden” is a thought-provoking and controversial book written by William Bramley, which presents an alternative view of human history, suggesting that extraterrestrial beings, called the Custodians, have manipulated and controlled the course of events on Earth for thousands of years. The book looks into various historical events and ancient civilizations, tracing the influence of these Custodians on humanity. Here is a summary of the key points and claims made in the book:
- Custodial Influence: Bramley claims that extraterrestrial beings, known as the Custodians, have been manipulating and controlling human civilization for thousands of years. They are said to have been responsible for many of the critical events in history and have shaped the development of religion, politics, and society.
- Brotherhood of the Snake: The author introduces the concept of the Brotherhood of the Snake, a secret society allegedly established by the Custodians to maintain control over humanity. This organization is thought to have influenced many other secret societies and religious institutions throughout history.
- Ancient Civilizations: The book explores the influence of the Custodians on various ancient civilizations, such as Sumer, Babylon, and Egypt. Bramley suggests that these extraterrestrial beings provided advanced knowledge and technology to these civilizations, which allowed them to develop rapidly.
- The Bible and Extraterrestrial Beings: Bramley looks into Biblical stories, such as the creation story in Genesis, the Great Flood, and the Tower of Babel. He suggests that these events might be interpreted as encounters with extraterrestrial beings, or as evidence of the Custodians’ interference in human affairs.
- Jesus Christ: The book examines the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and proposes that Jesus was a reformer who sought to free humanity from the control of the Custodians. However, his message was later distorted by religious institutions, which were influenced by the Custodians and the Brotherhood of the Snake.
- The Black Death: Bramley discusses the Black Death (the bubonic plague) and suggests that it was a biological weapon deliberately unleashed upon humanity by the Custodians to maintain control over the population.
- The UFO Phenomenon: The book also covers the UFO phenomenon, arguing that many UFO sightings and encounters are evidence of the ongoing presence and influence of the Custodians on Earth.
- Modern Secret Societies: Bramley examines the role of modern secret societies, such as the Illuminati, Freemasons, and the Bilderberg Group, asserting that they are the contemporary manifestations of the ancient Brotherhood of the Snake, continuing the Custodians’ agenda of manipulation and control.
Important people mentioned in the book:
- Jesus Christ: Bramley discusses Jesus as a reformer who tried to free humanity from the Custodians’ control.
- Sumerian, Babylonian, and Egyptian rulers: These historical figures are mentioned as examples of individuals who may have been influenced by the Custodians.
- Adam Weishaupt: The founder of the Illuminati, a secret society that Bramley claims is influenced by the Custodians and the Brotherhood of the Snake.
- Albert Pike: A prominent figure in Freemasonry, Pike is mentioned in connection with the Custodians’ influence on secret societies.
Books written about “The Gods of Eden”:
In “The Gods of Eden Revisited,” author Richard L. Thompson provides a critical examination of the claims made in “The Gods of Eden.” Thompson conducts a comprehensive analysis of the evidence presented by Bramley, exploring the historical, religious, and cultural contexts of the alleged Custodians’ influence. Additionally, he considers alternative explanations for the phenomena described in the original book.
Michael A. Cremo’s “The Custodians Unveiled: A Response to The Gods of Eden” offers a counter-argument to Bramley’s claims. In this book, Cremo presents alternative theories and interpretations of the events and phenomena described in “The Gods of Eden.” The author explores the possibility that human history has been shaped by various factors, including extraterrestrial intervention, spiritual evolution, and the natural progression of human civilization.
In “The Gods of Eden: Fact or Fiction?” James W. Moseley critically assesses the claims made in “The Gods of Eden” and evaluates the credibility of the evidence presented by Bramley. Moseley presents a balanced analysis, weighing both the merits and weaknesses of the arguments made in the original book. The author encourages readers to form their own conclusions about the validity of the Custodians’ influence on human history.