Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA

Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA” by Richard C. Hoagland and Mike Bara is a book that has caused considerable intrigue since its publication. The authors, both well-known in the realm of space-related conspiracy theories, present several controversial claims and ideas related to NASA and the moon.

  1. NASA as a Secretive Organization: The authors assert that NASA isn’t just a civilian space agency but a secretive organization with hidden agendas. They claim that NASA’s true mission, hidden from the public, isn’t purely scientific but also involves keeping secrets about what they’ve found in space.
  2. Existence of Moon Structures: One of the central claims of the book is the existence of artificial structures on the moon. Hoagland and Bara suggest these structures were created by an alien civilization and have been concealed by NASA. The structures, according to the authors, show signs of advanced technology and engineering.
  3. Face on Mars: The book discusses the famous “Face on Mars” image captured by the Viking Orbiter. The authors argue that this is an artificially created structure, indicative of an ancient civilization on Mars.
  4. Manipulation of Space Images: Hoagland and Bara accuse NASA of manipulating or airbrushing original space images to hide evidence of extraterrestrial life and structures.
  5. Advanced Ancient Civilizations: The authors speculate about the existence of advanced ancient civilizations on Earth, Mars, and the moon. They link these civilizations to Freemasonry and ancient Egyptian culture, suggesting a cosmic brotherhood.
  6. NASA’s Masonic Connection: The book further looks into the connection between NASA’s key personnel and Freemasonry. The authors suggest that NASA’s mission and objectives are influenced by esoteric teachings and symbology of Freemasonry, which is why the Apollo missions were timed with particular astrological alignments.
  7. The Brookings Report: Hoagland and Bara cite the Brookings Report commissioned by NASA in 1960, which suggested that discovery of extraterrestrial life could have disruptive societal consequences. They believe the report acts as a justification for NASA’s alleged secrecy.

Notable figures mentioned in the book include:

  • Wernher von Braun: A leading figure in rocket development and space exploration, who according to the authors, was part of the alleged Masonic influence in NASA.
  • Carl Sagan: A famous astrophysicist and science communicator, who allegedly knew more about the existence of extraterrestrial life than he publicly admitted.

While “Dark Mission” itself has become a cornerstone for those interested in conspiracy theories related to space, there are several other books that have been written as a response or to further look into the topics raised in the book. A few examples include:

  1. “Ancient Aliens on the Moon” by Mike Bara: This book explores in greater detail the idea of ancient alien structures on the moon. Bara provides additional evidence and arguments supporting his claims, building upon the foundation set in “Dark Mission.”
  2. “The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever” by Richard C. Hoagland: This book is a detailed study of the “Face on Mars” phenomenon. Hoagland provides further evidence to support his claim that the structure is artificial, not natural.
  3. “Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs & Extraterrestrial Alliances” by Michael E. Salla: Salla’s book takes a broader view, discussing alleged secret space programs and collaborations with extraterrestrial beings. It includes references to the claims made in “Dark Mission.”
  4. **”The NASA Conspiracies: The Truth Behind the Moon Landings, Censored Photos, and “The Real Story of Apollo” by Nick Redfern:** This book looks into the various conspiracy theories surrounding NASA, including the moon landing, the alleged manipulation of space images, and various claims made in “Dark Mission”. It provides a wider context and additional perspectives on these controversies.
  5. “Hidden Truth: Forbidden Knowledge” by Steven M. Greer: While not a direct response to “Dark Mission”, this book discusses similar themes of government cover-ups, secret space programs, and the existence of extraterrestrial life. Greer, the founder of the Disclosure Project, shares his own experiences and research related to UFO sightings and extraterrestrial contact.

The authors of “Dark Mission” have woven a narrative that challenges conventional understanding of NASA and its missions. Whether one finds these claims credible or not, they’ve certainly sparked conversation and debate, encouraging readers to question official narratives and seek answers beyond what is commonly accepted.
