Authors of the Impossible: The Paranormal and the Sacred

Authors of the Impossible: The Paranormal and the Sacred” is a thought-provoking book by Jeffrey J. Kripal that looks into the intersection of the paranormal, spirituality, and mysticism. It offers a fresh perspective on the often-marginalized realm of the paranormal by illustrating its potential role in our understanding of consciousness and reality.

  1. Mutual Creation of Meaning: Kripal presents the notion that the observer and the observed are intricately tied together, influencing each other’s existence and interpretation. He suggests that paranormal events are not so much about the occurrence itself, but about the meaning we ascribe to them.
  2. Paranormal as Empirical Reality: The author asserts that paranormal phenomena should not be dismissed as mere hallucinations or fantasy. They are empirical realities, as they are experienced by people, even though they defy conventional understanding of physical laws and human capabilities.
  3. Paranormal as Sacred: Kripal claims that paranormal experiences often carry a spiritual, sacred dimension. They serve as potential touchpoints to the divine, inviting us to broaden our conception of the sacred.
  4. Human Consciousness and the Paranormal: The author posits that paranormal phenomena challenge our understanding of human consciousness. They may suggest non-locality of consciousness, hinting at its potential to interact with the world beyond the limits of our physical bodies.
  5. Need for an Interdisciplinary Approach: Kripal argues for an interdisciplinary approach in studying paranormal phenomena. He maintains that insights from fields like theology, philosophy, psychology, and quantum physics are needed to make sense of these experiences.

Several key figures and researchers in the realm of the paranormal and sacred are presented in this book, including:

  • Frederic W.H. Myers: A pioneer of psychical research, Myers’ work on the subconscious mind and his concepts of the ‘superliminal’ and ‘subliminal’ consciousness had a profound influence on Kripal’s understanding of the paranormal.
  • Charles Fort: An American writer and researcher, Fort collected and analyzed reports of anomalous phenomena that didn’t fit into the scientific paradigm of his time.
  • Jacques Vallee: A computer scientist, venture capitalist, and UFO researcher, Vallee has made significant contributions to understanding the UFO phenomena through his interdisciplinary approach.
  • Bertrand Méheust: A French sociologist and ufologist, Méheust’s work on understanding the social and psychological dimensions of UFO sightings and abductions was influential in Kripal’s exploration of the sacred and the paranormal.

Jeffrey J. Kripal refers to the sacred as an element that transcends our normal understanding of reality and invites us to explore the more profound, often mystical aspects of our existence. The sacred is not explicitly defined within a specific religious or spiritual framework in this book. Instead, Kripal uses the term to denote a space or experience that carries deep, often transformative significance, something that stands apart from our everyday experience and offers a glimpse into the extraordinary.

Within this framework, the sacred isn’t limited to conventional religious phenomena. Instead, it can emerge in various contexts, including paranormal experiences. In this way, Kripal invites readers to broaden their understanding of the sacred and consider how paranormal phenomena could offer us profound spiritual insights.

For Kripal, the sacred is intrinsically tied to the unknown and the mysterious. It refers to experiences and phenomena that challenge our existing knowledge structures and compel us to look beyond our current understanding. In this sense, the sacred is associated with the extraordinary, the numinous, and the deeply transformative aspects of existence.

Throughout the book, Kripal prompts readers to approach the study of the sacred and paranormal with openness, humility, and an interdisciplinary approach that draws from diverse fields like theology, psychology, philosophy, and even quantum physics. He suggests that such an approach allows for a richer, more nuanced understanding of the sacred and its relationship with the paranormal.

“Authors of the Impossible: The Paranormal and the Sacred” provides a fascinating and challenging perspective on the nature of reality, consciousness, and the sacred. It suggests that paranormal phenomena, far from being simply dismissed as inexplicable or illusory, can provide deep insights into the nature of existence and the sacred, inviting readers to adopt a more open and interdisciplinary approach to understanding these phenomena.
