Alien Viruses: Crashed UFOs, MJ12 & Biowarfare

Alien Viruses: Crashed UFOs, MJ12 & Biowarfare” is a provocative book that explores the intriguing possibility that extraterrestrial viruses may have played a significant role in the development of biowarfare programs and human history. The book weaves together a compelling narrative of crashed UFOs, government cover-ups, and biological warfare, offering new perspectives on various unexplained phenomena.

Key Points and Claims:

  1. Extraterrestrial origins of viruses: The book suggests that some viruses may have originated from extraterrestrial sources, brought to Earth either through natural processes or deliberate actions by extraterrestrial beings. This idea is supported by the panspermia theory, which posits that life may have been seeded on Earth from space.
  2. Crashed UFOs and alien viruses: The authors examine several well-known UFO crash cases, such as Roswell and Aztec, proposing that these crashes could have released alien viruses into the environment. These incidents may have led to outbreaks of unexplained illnesses, potentially implicating extraterrestrial viruses in the genesis of certain diseases.
  3. MJ12 and government cover-ups: The book looks into the alleged existence of a top-secret government group called MJ12 (Majestic 12), which was supposedly formed to manage the UFO phenomenon and any potential biological threats stemming from it. The authors claim that MJ12 has been involved in covering up evidence of extraterrestrial viruses and crashed UFOs.
  4. Biowarfare programs and alien viruses: The authors argue that some governments may have recognized the potential of extraterrestrial viruses for biowarfare and exploited them to develop advanced biological weapons. They explore the possibility that certain unexplained outbreaks of disease could have resulted from the accidental or intentional release of such weapons.
  5. Historical impact of alien viruses: The book suggests that alien viruses may have influenced human history in various ways, from altering the course of wars and political events to impacting the development of medical science and public health.

Important People:

  1. Robert M. Wood, Ph.D.: A former aerospace engineer and author, Wood has conducted extensive research into UFOs and related phenomena. He has a doctorate in physics and has worked on classified projects for major aerospace companies.
  2. Nick Redfern: A prolific author and investigative journalist, Redfern has written numerous books on UFOs, conspiracy theories, and unexplained phenomena. He has appeared on various television programs and contributed articles to several publications.

“The Dulce Wars: Underground Alien Bases and the Battle for Planet Earth” by Branton investigates into the alleged existence of an underground alien base near Dulce, New Mexico. The author posits that a secret war has been waged between humans and extraterrestrial beings, with the potential involvement of alien viruses and biowarfare. Meanwhile, “Dark Skies: A UFO Conspiracy” by Bryce Zabel, the creator of the popular 1990s TV series “Dark Skies,” explores the idea that the U.S. government has been involved in a massive cover-up of extraterrestrial activity. This includes crashed UFOs, alien viruses, and top-secret research into advanced technologies. Zabel weaves a narrative that combines real-world events and fictional elements, offering a unique perspective on the UFO phenomenon.

The Varginha UFO case is an alleged incident that took place in Varginha, Brazil, in January 1996. According to eyewitnesses, a UFO crashed in the area, and strange creatures were seen by locals. These creatures were allegedly captured by the Brazilian military and taken away for examination. The case has since become one of the most famous UFO incidents in South America.

Dr. João B.M. Janini, a forensic pathologist, has recently provided a new statement about the case, adding another layer of intrigue. According to Dr. Janini, his analysis of a deceased military officer’s body involved in the Varginha incident revealed the presence of an unknown bacteria that had a devastating effect on the officer’s immune system.
