Linda Cortile Abduction Incident (1989)

In 1989, the Linda Cortile Abduction Incident occurred in New York City, and it has since been the subject of much controversy and speculation. The incident involved a woman named Linda Cortile, who claimed to have been abducted by extraterrestrial beings from her Manhattan apartment. The incident allegedly occurred on November 30th, 1989, and was witnessed by several individuals, including two security guards, a United Nations diplomat, and Linda’s husband.
According to Linda’s account of the events, she was taken from her apartment by three beings who were approximately four feet tall and had large black eyes. The beings allegedly took her through the window of her apartment and into a hovering craft. She claimed to have been probed and examined by the beings, and was eventually returned to her apartment unharmed. Linda’s husband corroborated her story, claiming to have witnessed the abduction from the street below.
The incident was also witnessed by two security guards who were on duty in a nearby building. They claimed to have seen a bright light and then witnessed Linda being taken from her apartment by three small beings. The security guards also reported that they saw a fourth being, who appeared to be in charge, and was communicating with the other three.
Perhaps the most notable witness to the incident was a United Nations diplomat named Philip Schneider. Schneider claimed to have been in his apartment when he heard a commotion outside. When he went to investigate, he claimed to have seen the abduction taking place. Schneider reported that he saw Linda being taken through the window by the beings, and that he also saw the hovering craft.
The claims made by the witnesses in the Linda Cortile Abduction Incident have been the subject of much speculation and debate. Some people believe that the incident was a genuine extraterrestrial abduction, while others are more skeptical.
Several books have been written about the incident, including “The Abduction Enigma” by Kevin Randle and Russ Estes, and “UFOs and Abductions: Challenging the Borders of Knowledge” by David Jacobs. Randle and Estes’ book examines the incident in detail, and provides a detailed analysis of the witness testimony. Jacobs’ book takes a broader view of the phenomenon of alien abductions, and places the Linda Cortile Incident within the context of other reported cases.
Some have suggested that there was a government cover-up of the incident, and that the witnesses were threatened to keep quiet. Others have claimed that the incident was part of a larger program of alien abductions, and that Linda was chosen as a target for a specific reason.