Square Shaped UFO Incidents

Square Shaped Ufo Incidents

UFO encounters come in various shapes and sizes, with reports over the years describing a wide range of objects that defy conventional explanation. Among these are the less commonly reported “square-shaped” UFOs, which stand out due to their unusual configuration, contrary to the more typical disc, orb, or cigar-shaped objects often cited in sightings. Here we will look at some of the intriguing cases where witnesses claimed to have seen a UFO with a distinctive square shape.

1. Belgian UFO Wave (1989-1990): Perhaps one of the most well-documented UFO flaps in history, the Belgian UFO wave included numerous reports of a triangular-shaped craft with lights at each corner, which could give a square appearance depending on the angle of observation. While the craft was primarily described as triangular, some observers noted a more quadrilateral structure in their sightings. This series of sightings was taken seriously by the Belgian Air Force, which scrambled F-16 fighter jets in an unsuccessful attempt to intercept the objects.

2. Carp, Ontario UFO Incident (1989): In a less famous case, near Ottawa, witnesses reported a square-shaped object with a glowing boundary. This particular incident is wrapped in a cloak of mystery and includes a narrative of military engagement, although much of the surrounding information remains anecdotal and lacks corroborative evidence from official sources.

3. Colares UFO Flap (1977): The Brazilian island of Colares was the site of a peculiar series of UFO sightings known as “Operation Saucer.” The Brazilian Air Force officially investigated numerous reports from locals who claimed to have seen various UFO shapes, including square ones. Some reports suggested that these square-shaped objects emitted beams of light, leading to physical effects on the witnesses.

4. Levelland UFO Case (1957): One of the classic cases in UFOlogy occurred near Levelland, Texas, where multiple witnesses, including police officers, reported seeing a large, brightly-lit object in the sky. Although descriptions varied, a few accounts suggested the object had a square shape with bright lights at each corner, causing electromagnetic effects on vehicles, such as stalling engines and dimming headlights.

5. Yukon, Canada Sighting (1996): A massive UFO was reported by multiple witnesses in the Yukon Territory. The object was described as being enormous in size, with a row of lights that could be construed as forming a square perimeter. The craft’s enormous size and the pattern of lights led some to interpret its shape as square or rectangular.

6. Chicago O’Hare Airport Sighting (2006): While the primary witness described the object as disc-shaped, some secondary reports included descriptions of a square-shaped craft hovering over the airport before shooting upward at incredible speed, punching a clear hole through the cloud cover.

7. Stephenville Lights (2008): In the town of Stephenville, Texas, witnesses reported seeing large, silent, unidentified objects, some of which were described as being “square-shaped with rounded corners.” These were accompanied by bright lights, and their movement was reportedly unconventional, unlike any known aircraft.

8. Vandenberg Air Force Base Sighting (2003): Boeing contractors at Vandenberg Air Force Base observed a large red square-shaped object the size of a football field hovering over a launch facility before darting away.

In all of these cases, the context of “square-shaped” is used to describe the apparent outline or arrangement of lights on the UFOs. These reports often come from various witnesses, ranging from trained observers like pilots and military personnel to laypeople. The consistency of such reports, albeit rarer than other shapes, adds an intriguing chapter to the study of unidentified aerial phenomena.

The size of square-shaped UFOs reported in various incidents can vary significantly. Here are some general observations based on reported sightings:

  1. Small-Scale Close Encounters: Some eyewitnesses report square-shaped UFOs that are relatively small, often described as being just a few feet across. These are typically encountered at close range, and witnesses may describe them as being the size of a car or a small room.
  2. Medium-Sized Craft: In other instances, the reported square-shaped UFOs are described as medium-sized, comparable to the size of a bus or a large truck. These types of sightings may occur at both close and moderate distances.
  3. Large Structures: There are also cases where witnesses report enormous square or rectangular structures that span significant portions of the sky. For example, the Yukon sighting in 1996 involved an object that was described as being very large, with the length sometimes compared to that of a football field or even larger.

The reports of square-shaped UFOs cover a broad spectrum of sizes, from small objects of just a few feet in width to massive structures that could cover a football field. The variation suggests that if these objects are indeed physical craft, they serve diverse purposes or come from different sources. Size estimations are contingent on the observer’s perspective and the object’s proximity, making definitive conclusions about their actual dimensions challenging. The wide range of reported sizes also implies that eyewitness accounts of UFOs are influenced by many factors, including the observer’s location, the time of day, and environmental conditions.
