The 12th Planet

the 12th planet

The 12th Planet” is a book by Zecharia Sitchin, which presents an alternative view of human history and the origins of civilization. The book is based on the author’s interpretations of ancient Sumerian texts and artifacts, which he believes reveal a complex and advanced extraterrestrial civilization that influenced human development. This summary will outline the key points and claims made in the book, as well as mention important people and related books.

Key Points and Claims:

  1. Existence of the Anunnaki: Sitchin claims that an advanced race of extraterrestrial beings called the Anunnaki visited Earth around 450,000 years ago from a distant planet called Nibiru. He believes that these beings played a significant role in the development of human civilization.
  2. Nibiru, the 12th Planet: According to Sitchin, Nibiru is a large, undiscovered planet in our solar system that orbits the Sun every 3,600 years. It is the home planet of the Anunnaki and is referred to as the “12th Planet” because it is considered an additional member of the solar system beyond the recognized planets and the Sun and Moon.
  3. The Anunnaki’s role in human development: Sitchin posits that the Anunnaki came to Earth to mine gold, which they needed for their planet’s atmosphere. He believes that they genetically engineered Homo sapiens by combining their DNA with that of hominids, creating a hybrid race to serve as laborers for their mining operations.
  4. Ancient Sumerian texts: Sitchin interprets various Sumerian texts, including the Enuma Elish and the Epic of Gilgamesh, as accounts of the Anunnaki’s activities on Earth. He claims that these texts provide evidence for the existence of Nibiru and the Anunnaki’s influence on human civilization.
  5. Advanced technology: The book suggests that the Anunnaki possessed advanced technology, including genetic engineering, space travel, and nuclear weapons. Sitchin believes that this technology was shared with early human civilizations, leading to their rapid development and the construction of monuments such as the pyramids.
  6. Historical figures: Sitchin asserts that various historical figures, such as biblical patriarchs and Sumerian kings, were either descendants of the Anunnaki or directly influenced by them. He also identifies figures like Enki and Enlil as Anunnaki leaders who played crucial roles in human history.

Important People in the Book:

  1. Zecharia Sitchin: Author of “The 12th Planet” and a researcher of ancient Sumerian texts and artifacts.
  2. Enki: An Anunnaki leader, considered a creator of humanity and a patron of civilization.
  3. Enlil: Another Anunnaki leader, who is portrayed as having a more antagonistic relationship with humanity.
  4. Gilgamesh: A legendary Sumerian king, who is the main character in the Epic of Gilgamesh, and is believed to have been influenced by the Anunnaki.

Related Books:

  1. “The Stairway to Heaven” (1980) by Zecharia Sitchin: In this sequel to “The 12th Planet,” Sitchin explores the idea of ancient spaceports and how they may have been used by the Anunnaki to travel between Earth and Nibiru.
  2. “The Wars of Gods and Men” (1985) by Zecharia Sitchin: This book looks into the conflicts between the Anunnaki and their influence on human warfare, including the possibility that nuclear weapons were used in ancient times.
  3. “The Lost Realms” (1990) by Zecharia Sitchin: In this installment, Sitchin focuses on the ancient civilizations of the Americas, suggesting that they too were influenced by the Anunnaki and their advanced technology.
  4. “When Time Began” (1993) by Zecharia Sitchin: This book explores the concept of time and the origins of the ancient Sumerian calendar, which Sitchin believes was influenced by the Anunnaki’s knowledge of celestial movements and their 3,600-year orbit of Nibiru.
  5. “The Cosmic Code” (1998) by Zecharia Sitchin: In this volume, Sitchin examines the role of the Anunnaki in the development of early human languages and writing systems, as well as the implications of this knowledge on our understanding of human history.
  6. “The Earth Chronicles Expeditions” (2004) by Zecharia Sitchin: This book recounts Sitchin’s personal experiences and research expeditions to archaeological sites around the world, further supporting his theories on the Anunnaki and their influence on human civilization.
  7. “The End of Days” (2007) by Zecharia Sitchin: In his final book in the Earth Chronicles series, Sitchin discusses the Anunnaki’s prophesied return to Earth and the potential implications for humanity’s future.
  8. “The Anunnaki Chronicles” (2015) by Zecharia Sitchin and edited by Janet Sitchin: This posthumous publication, edited by Sitchin’s niece, collects previously unpublished writings and selected chapters from his Earth Chronicles series, providing an overview of his theories and research on the Anunnaki.

“The 12th Planet” presents a detailed and alternative view of human history and the origins of civilization. Through his interpretations of ancient Sumerian texts and artifacts, Zecharia Sitchin makes several key claims, including the existence of the Anunnaki, the undiscovered planet Nibiru, and the role these beings played in human development.