Behind the Flying Saucers

Behind the flying saucers

Behind the Flying Saucers by Frank Scully, published in 1950, claims to provide evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial beings and their advanced technology. The book focuses on Scully’s interviews with two men who claimed involvement in a UFO recovery operation in Aztec, New Mexico, in 1948. Upon its release, the book generated significant attention and controversy, and it continues to captivate UFO researchers and enthusiasts.

Scully’s main assertion is that the U.S. government recovered a flying saucer that had crash-landed near Aztec, New Mexico. According to the book, the saucer was 99 feet in diameter and contained the bodies of 16 small humanoid extraterrestrial beings. These beings were described as having advanced technology, including an anti-gravity propulsion system that allowed their craft to travel vast distances. Scully argued that the U.S. government covered up the discovery, fearing the societal and political consequences of disclosing the existence of extraterrestrial life. He also suggested that the recovered alien technology was reverse-engineered, leading to breakthroughs in fields such as aircraft design and weaponry.

The two key figures in Scully’s story are Silas Newton and a scientist referred to only as “Dr. Gee.” Newton, a wealthy oilman, claimed to have been directly involved in the recovery operation and provided much of the information Scully reports. Dr. Gee, whose real identity remains unknown, was described as a government scientist who had studied the recovered saucer and its occupants. According to the book, Dr. Gee played a pivotal role in interpreting the extraterrestrial technology.

At the time of its publication, Behind the Flying Saucers was one of the earliest works to raise the possibility of government cover-ups of UFO incidents and alien technology. The book’s claims were considered groundbreaking by many readers.

Scully’s work remains influential within UFO circles and has inspired both supportive and critical analyses. Books such as The Aztec UFO Incident by Scott and Suzanne Ramsey revisit the Aztec event with additional research that supports Scully’s claims. On the other hand, works like UFOs and Government: A Historical Inquiry by Michael Swords offer a broader perspective on the U.S. government’s involvement with UFO sightings and provide a more critical assessment of the Aztec incident.

Behind the Flying Saucers offers a bold narrative of extraterrestrial contact and government secrecy. While Scully’s book continues to inspire debate among UFO researchers and enthusiasts, its lasting influence on UFO lore is undeniable.