The Height 611 UFO Incident (1986)

The Height 611 Ufo Incident (1986)

The Height 611 UFO Incident, also known as the Dalnegorsk Incident, is one of the most well-documented and intriguing cases in the history of UFO research. The incident occurred on January 29, 1986, in Dalnegorsk, Russia, when a bright object was seen in the sky before crashing into the side of Height 611, a mountain in the area.

Numerous witnesses reported seeing the object, which was described as a glowing sphere, before it crashed into the mountain. After the incident, investigators arrived at the site and found a circular burn mark on the ground where the object had reportedly landed. The mark was said to be radioactive, and investigators later reported feeling ill after examining the site.

The incident gained widespread attention in Russia and throughout the world, and was investigated by numerous government agencies, including the Soviet military and the Russian Academy of Sciences. The investigation concluded that the incident was a genuine UFO sighting, and that the object seen by witnesses was of unknown origin.

The Height 611 UFO Incident has been covered in several books and documentaries on UFOs, including “UFOs and the National Security State” by Richard Dolan and “The UFO Encyclopedia” by Jerome Clark. In his book, “UFOs: The Secret History,” author David Clarke argues that the incident is one of the most intriguing and well-documented cases of a UFO crash ever recorded, and that the incident deserves further scientific investigation.

The specific claims made in the Height 611 UFO Incident are varied and numerous. Witnesses reported seeing a bright, glowing sphere in the sky before it crashed into the side of Height 611, leaving behind a circular burn mark on the ground that was said to be radioactive. Investigators also reported feeling ill after examining the site.
