Juanito Juan UFO Incident (2022)

Dall·e 2024 10 23 10.46.30 A Photo Realistic Scene Depicting Juanito Juan, A Man In A Casual Outfit, Interacting With A Small Metallic Sphere Hovering In Mid Air Inside His Home

The “Juanito Juan UFO incident” gained significant attention starting in August 2022 when Juanito Juan, whose real name is Juan Manuel Sánchez, captured images of strange metallic spheres in the sky near Valle Hermoso, Tamaulipas. Initially, Juanito, a vehicle repair worker, had no plans to share his findings. However, as the sightings became more frequent, occurring up to three times a week, he decided to make them public, hoping to open people’s eyes to the reality of these phenomena.

Valle Hermoso is a small city in northeastern Tamaulipas, Mexico, with a population of around 50,000 people. It lies approximately 45 km (28 miles) from Matamoros and about 70 km (43 miles) from Reynosa, both major cities near the U.S. border. Surrounded by fertile agricultural land, the area is known for producing crops like cotton, maize, and sorghum.

In his first widely shared encounter, Juanito was photographing an incoming storm when he noticed and captured images of three metallic spheres flying across the sky. These photographs went viral, especially after being highlighted by well-known UFO researcher Jaime Maussan, who compared them to other UFO sightings.

Juanito’s sightings did not stop there. In 2024, more videos and images were captured, continuing to show similar objects in the skies of Tamaulipas. These sightings reinforced the region’s reputation for frequent UFO activity and sparked renewed debate, particularly with the emergence of videos showing objects with bright lights or moving in inexplicable ways. Jaime Maussan continued to play a significant role in analyzing and sharing this content, stating that the frequency and nature of these sightings suggest they could be sending a message—possibly warning humanity about environmental neglect.

Juanito himself has been hesitant to embrace titles like “contactee” or “chosen one,” preferring to describe himself as a messenger sharing what he has seen. His experiences have added to the ongoing conversation about UFOs in Mexico, with many speculating on the potential extraterrestrial origins of these sightings​.

The event in question describes a UFO encounter experienced by Juanito Juan, on the night of August 28, 2023. During this encounter, Juanito claims to have seen a mysterious sphere inside his home, which he recorded. He even approached the sphere and reportedly touched it, describing the sensation as feeling like velvet.

This was not an isolated event, as Juanito Juan has documented several UFO sightings in the area. He described previous encounters where similar spheres hovered near his home, some of which emitted light in various colors. In this specific event, he interacted closely with the sphere, which remained motionless as he reached out to touch it. Juanito expressed disbelief as he made contact, repeatedly saying, “I’m touching it.” This sphere is believed to be the same object seen near his home in earlier sightings in August 2023.

Juanito Juan’s encounters have drawn attention from UFO researchers, including Jaime Maussan, who presented the footage as compelling evidence of close contact with non-human intelligences. These incidents suggest an increasing frequency of UFO activity in the region, fueling speculation that these objects might be seeking closer interaction with humans.

In the video, Juanito Juan addresses the sphere directly, welcoming it if it is of the light, but asking it to leave if it isn’t. He also mentions how the plants near the object moved, potentially due to the force emitted by the sphere. This adds to the sense that the sphere might possess some kind of energy that influences its surroundings. This encounter indicates that Juan was unsure of the sphere’s intentions and wanted to ensure it wasn’t a malevolent presence. His words reflect a mix of curiosity and caution, as he interacted with the mysterious object while considering the possibility of danger.

Jaime Maussan investigates into the case of Juanito Juan, a resident of Valle Hermoso, Tamaulipas, who has experienced repeated close encounters with UFOs or UAPs. Maussan likens Juanito Juan’s experiences to those of other famous UFO contactees like George Adamski and Billy Meier, emphasizing that despite skepticism, the evidence collected from Juanito’s encounters holds up under scrutiny.

The video evidence shows the sphere floating and interacting with Juanito, and the footage has been analyzed to confirm its authenticity. According to the investigation, Juanito’s encounter marks a rare instance of direct contact with what appears to be non-human technology.

In addition, Juanito’s earlier sightings are also discussed. His first major sighting occurred in August 2022, and since then, he has captured footage of various objects, including disc-shaped UFOs and glowing spheres. The investigation notes that the frequency and proximity of these sightings suggest a growing closeness between Juanito and the phenomena, culminating in the unprecedented moment when he touched the sphere.

Maussan’s team further analyzed the video and noted strange occurrences, such as light beams emitted by the sphere and its movement in response to Juanito’s approach. The investigation concludes that this case is one of the most extraordinary examples of close contact with extraterrestrial intelligences, as the object appeared to scan Juanito with a beam of light and displayed behavior that implied some level of intelligence.

Juanito Juan’s encounters with metallic spheres align closely with the characteristics of what could be classified as Type 3 Spheres similar to what I witnessed as a child. These spheres are typically described as small, metallic, and capable of floating or hovering, much like the ones Juanito has captured in photos and videos.

Type 3 Spheres are often thought to display some form of intelligence or technological advancement, as seen in their ability to emit light, move in controlled ways, or respond to external stimuli, which is consistent with Juanito’s reported interaction where the sphere remained still until he touched it and emitted light beams. The movement of plants near the sphere further suggests that these objects might have some energetic field or propulsion system, another characteristic often attributed to Type 3 Spheres.

Type 3 Low Spheres are typically small, metallic, and oval-shaped, are believed to be part of a global monitoring network. They can change shape, emit light, and even pass through solid objects, suggesting advanced non-human technology. Often linked with poltergeist activity, they create disturbances in their surroundings and interact with other types of spheres in the network. Juanito Juan’s sightings of metallic spheres share many characteristics with these Type 3 Spheres.
