The Afghanistan Reaper

The Afghanistan Reaper

Over the years, sightings of metallic, spider-shaped UFOs have been reported worldwide. Witnesses consistently describe these objects as having multiple appendages, a shiny exterior, emitting bright light, and sometimes producing a humming noise. The size often varies but is frequently compared to that of a car. Notable sightings occurred in places like Vermont (1979), California (1998), Chile (2009), Indiana (1974), Germany (1977), and Iowa (2015). These UFOs exhibit unusual movements, including hovering and rapid changes in direction.


The image in question, allegedly provided by an anonymous source named “Ghost,” depicts what has been informally referred to as “The Afghanistan Reaper.” According to the source, there is an ongoing investigation into the object seen in the footage, which has raised considerable curiosity.

The image shows a spherical, metallic-looking object with appendage-like structures hanging beneath it. The object appears to hover above the ground, with two different perspectives captured. The footage overlay indicates it was taken in Afghanistan, potentially using a Reaper drone (“REAPER54”), which is a type of MQ-9 Reaper drone commonly used for surveillance and reconnaissance missions.

In UAP investigations, footage from a Reaper drone has been used to capture unexplained aerial phenomena, often characterized by spherical or metallic shapes. Recent reports in 2022, highlighted an incident where a metallic orb was observed in footage captured by an MQ-9 Reaper, leading to speculation about the nature of these objects. The U.S. Department of Defense has presented some of this footage during hearings, where analysts examined the characteristics and behaviors of UAPs observed globally.

The visible text overlay on the The Afghanistan Reaper image includes the following string: “1000_UAP096_AFGHANISTAN_REAPER54_GROUND_BLUR_CLASSIFIED.”

The following details emerge from this metadata:

  • “1000_UAP096” likely represents a file or case identifier. The term “UAP” stands for “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena,” indicating that the object captured in the footage is considered unidentified.
  • “AFGHANISTAN” confirms the geographical context, suggesting the footage was recorded in or near the region.
  • “REAPER54” refers to a specific drone, potentially used during the operation.
  • “GROUND_BLUR_CLASSIFIED” indicates that parts of the footage might be deliberately blurred to obscure sensitive details and that the content is considered classified.

An analysis comparing the original image’s background map to a topographical map of Afghanistan showed that the two maps align well, confirming that the location is indeed in Afghanistan or its vicinity. The mountainous regions in the northeastern section match the characteristics of the Hindu Kush range.

The provided image appears to be part of a classified set of observations involving an unidentified aerial object in Afghanistan, reportedly captured by a Reaper drone. The anonymous source “Ghost” has suggested an ongoing investigation, potentially classified, which seeks to uncover the nature and origin of “The Afghanistan Reaper.”


Episode #47 of the “WEAPONIZED” podcast highlights two UAP incidents, including the “Jellyfish UAP” over the Pantex Nuclear Weapons Facility in 2010 and a 2017 sighting in Iraq. The Iraqi incident featured a UAP nicknamed “the spaghetti monster,” noted for its jellyfish-like shape, rapid movements, invisibility to standard imaging, and underwater submersion for 17 minutes before swiftly ascending into the sky. The discussion raises questions about the technological capabilities and possible origins of these phenomena.

In 2015, a “diamond-shaped” unidentified aerial object was observed near the Pantex Nuclear Facility in Texas. Ground surveillance followed it for several miles before it disappeared. Images and details were analyzed but remain heavily redacted due to security concerns.

In 2018, another incident occurred involving a “jellyfish-shaped” UAP with a domed top and hanging appendages. The object maneuvered over secure areas before ascending sharply, triggering an operational emergency. Classified footage of the event exists, but it has not been publicly released.

In UFO Revolution Episode 1, Jeremy Corbell discussed a 2019 incident featuring a “Jellyfish” UFO with stiff, scale-like appendages that seemed to be carrying a payload. The UFO was captured using thermal imaging, showing unusual temperature fluctuations and causing interference with the optics system. The event included the object submerging in water for 17 minutes before resurfacing and swiftly leaving the area.

During the Alfena UFO incident on October 29, 1990, in Alfena, Portugal, additional details emerged regarding the sighted object. Apart from being spherical and roughly the size of a truck, the UFO had distinct appendages or protrusions extending from its structure. These appendages were described by some witnesses as resembling antennae or rods. The exact function or purpose of these appendages was unclear, adding to the object’s mysterious nature.

Google Earth Jelly Fish Crop Circle

The jellyfish-shaped crop circle in this image appeared in late May 2009 in a barley field near Kingstone Coombes, Oxfordshire, England. Measuring about 600 feet (183 meters) in length, it’s one of the largest and most elaborate crop formations ever recorded. The intricate design includes a series of circular patterns connected by flowing lines that resemble jellyfish tentacles, making it stand out from the more traditional crop circle designs typically associated with geometric shapes.

Here’s a summary of UFO incidents, all featuring jellyfish-like sightings with appendages:

Saga Prefecture, Japan (January 4, 1992)
A farmer experiencing cattle mutilations saw a small white, jellyfish-like object in his barn at night. It had tentacle-like appendages hanging down and disappeared after drifting outside. He later found one of his cows with a broken leg. The event raised questions about a potential connection between the UFO sighting and the animal injuries.

Taunton, Somerset, England (November 27, 1991)
A large, jellyfish-shaped UFO was observed hovering over the town. The object had a rectangular top with two dangling legs, emitted a humming sound, and moved quickly. The sighting was covered by local news, adding a layer of credibility to the incident.

Moscow, Russia (June 14, 1980)
A UFO sighting near Moscow led to a major military alert when it flew over the city and the main airport. The object was described as emitting a luminous crown before transforming into a giant jellyfish shape and releasing three smaller UFOs. Military jets pursued the smaller objects without success, and the event triggered an investigation into “anomalous atmospheric phenomena.”

Petrozavodsk, USSR (September 20, 1977)

Also around 4:00 a.m., a bright star-like object sent beams to the ground, spreading out above the city in a jellyfish shape. The UFO lit up Petrozavodsk for approximately 12 minutes before transforming into a crescent shape and departing towards Lake Onega. Some witnesses reported seeing a smaller object detach from the main one, with damage such as burst windows and charred paving stones being noted afterward.

Nørresø, Viborg, Denmark (November 17, 1974)

A businessman observed a circular object with filaments hanging from its base hovering over the lake. He captured a photograph, estimating the object to be about 65 feet in diameter. The sighting raised speculation that the UFO might have been a small cumulus cloud forming from a smoke ring, although this explanation did not fully satisfy all investigators.

Waltham, Massachusetts (March 27, 1971)

At 8:20 p.m., a glowing, jellyfish-shaped UFO was seen hovering over Highway 21. It dimmed, leaving blinking white lights before streaking away in seconds. The unusual shape and rapid departure left witnesses puzzled.

Washington, D.C. (December 1, 1959)
In December 1959, during a NASA news conference in Washington, D.C., Cal Tech geochemist Harrison Brown speculated that boneless, jellyfish-like creatures could potentially inhabit the oceans on Venus, based on the discovery of water vapor in the planet’s atmosphere. This suggestion was met with intrigue, as it opened up new ideas about life forms beyond Earth.

Montlucon, France (April 21, 1957)
On April 21, 1957, in Montlucon, France, multiple observers reported seeing a jellyfish-shaped UFO. The object reappeared several times, with colored strings hanging from it. The sighting took place in farmland, where it was observed for approximately 45 minutes.

Hebron, Connecticut (February 6, 1957)
A similar incident occurred on February 6, 1957, in Hebron, Connecticut, where separate observers witnessed jellyfish-like saucers hovering and moving in unison. These objects reportedly emitted a roaring sound and dropped tentacle-like appendages before accelerating rapidly.

Angles, France (October 14, 1954)
On October 14, 1954, in Angles, France, several people saw a blinding jellyfish-shaped UFO that descended to a low altitude. The object changed shape before rising again. The sighting, which lasted about six minutes, occurred in a coastal farmland area and was noted for its intensity and the quality of the observers.

Rome, Italy (September 17, 1954)
Earlier in 1954, on September 17, in Rome, Italy, a UFO appeared over the city, making thunder-like sounds as it hovered. The object changed its form depending on its motion, appearing jellyfish-like when stationary and cigar-shaped when in motion. Multiple radar stations and military personnel recorded the sighting, adding a layer of corroboration to the unusual event.

The jellyfish-shaped UFO with appendages is a recurring phenomenon in UFO reports spanning several decades and continents. From the sightings in Vermont and California to more recent cases in Iraq and Afghanistan, these objects are consistently described with features like multiple tentacle-like extensions and unusual aerial behaviors. Whether they are observed hovering, rapidly changing direction, or even submerging underwater, the pattern of reports suggests that these jellyfish-like objects are a common element in UAP phenomena. Their frequent appearance raises intriguing questions about their nature, origin, and the technology behind them, warranting further investigation to uncover the mysteries that have captivated the attention of witnesses and experts alike for generations.
