Howard Menger Abduction Incident (1950s)

Howard Menger Abduction Incident (1950s)

Howard Menger, born in 1922 in New Jersey, grew up in a working-class family and later served in World War II. He went on to work as a mechanic and a professional photographer. However, Menger is most well-known for his extraordinary claims of encounters with extraterrestrial beings, which he documented in his book “From Outer Space to You.”

Menger’s first alleged encounter occurred when he was ten years old. While exploring a secluded woodland area near his home, he claimed to have met a stunning spacewoman dressed in a translucent ski-suit, which accentuated her figure. Menger described feeling an overwhelming sense of warmth, love, and physical attraction emanating from her. This spacewoman allegedly told him that her people had traveled a great distance to make contact and that they would always watch over him. She also hinted at a special purpose that Menger would come to understand in time.

Years later, after joining the Army and being stationed with a tank unit in the Southwestern United States, Menger reported a series of UFO sightings, followed by direct interactions with extraterrestrial beings. He claimed to have acted as a liaison for these beings, assisting them in blending in with humans, including cutting their long blonde hair. In return for his services, Menger was supposedly taken on a trip to the Moon, where he experienced an Earth-like atmosphere and returned with lunar potatoes, alleged to have extraordinary nutritional value. However, the evidence of these potatoes conveniently disappeared after Menger claimed to have handed them over to the government.

Throughout these encounters, Menger was told he was chosen among thousands for contact and would receive enlightenment. The extraterrestrial beings he interacted with expressed concern for Earth and its inhabitants, urging quick action to save the planet and its people. Menger’s experiences, as he described, involved not only physical interactions but also telepathic communications, where the beings shared insights about the future of Earth, depicting a struggle between good and evil forces.

Menger maintained the authenticity of his experiences, insisting that they were genuine encounters with peaceful extraterrestrial beings who had messages of significance for humanity, particularly regarding the dangers of nuclear weapons and the importance of world peace.
