The Twining Letter (1947)

The Twining Letter is a classified document written by General Nathan F. Twining, who was the Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force at the time, on September 23, 1947. The letter was addressed to the Commanding General of the Army Air Forces and is considered significant in the history of UFO research. The issue at hand is the existence of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and the potential threat they pose to national security.
In the Twining Letter, General Twining acknowledges the existence of UFOs and describes them as “real and not visionary or fictitious.” He notes that the objects are exhibiting flight characteristics that are beyond the capabilities of any known aircraft and that they are of “a highly intelligent nature.” This statement is significant because it represents one of the first official acknowledgments by the U.S. military of the existence of UFOs.
One unique fact about the Twining Letter is that it was written just a few months after the famous Roswell UFO incident, which occurred in July 1947. Some researchers believe that the Twining Letter was a direct response to the Roswell incident and that it was an attempt by the military to address concerns about the potential threat of UFOs to national security.
Another unique fact is that General Twining’s statement in the letter that the objects are of “a highly intelligent nature” suggests that he believed the UFOs to be under intelligent control, rather than being purely natural phenomena. This belief has been shared by many UFO researchers over the years, who argue that the objects are piloted by extraterrestrial beings.
The Twining Letter was declassified in 2004 and is now available for public viewing. This means that researchers and the general public can now access and study the document in more detail, which has led to renewed interest in the topic of UFOs and their potential threat to national security.
UFO researcher Richard Dolan argues that the letter is “one of the most important UFO documents ever written” and represents a “turning point” in the government’s official position on the phenomenon. Dolan believes that the Twining Letter, along with other declassified documents, provides strong evidence that the U.S. government has been aware of and studying the UFO phenomenon for many years.
Several books have been written about the Twining Letter and its significance. For example, UFO researcher Stanton Friedman has written extensively about the letter in his book “Top Secret/Majic,” in which he argues that the letter is part of a larger body of evidence suggesting that the U.S. government has been involved in a cover-up of the UFO phenomenon for many years.