The National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS)

The national institute for discovery science (nids)

The National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS) was a privately-funded research organization that was established in 1995 by Robert Bigelow, a wealthy businessman and UFO enthusiast. The institute was headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada and its mission was to conduct scientific research into a range of unexplained phenomena, including UFOs, UAPs, and paranormal activity.

NIDS employed a team of scientists and researchers from a variety of disciplines, including physics, aerospace engineering, and veterinary science. The organization’s research focused on a number of areas, including cattle mutilations, crop circles, and alleged UFO sightings and abductions. One of the most well-known projects undertaken by NIDS was the investigation of the “Skinwalker Ranch,” a remote property in Utah that was said to be the site of a variety of paranormal and anomalous activity.

NIDS was often cited as an example of the growing interest and acceptance of UFO and paranormal research within the scientific community. However, the organization also faced criticism and controversy, with some skeptics accusing it of promoting pseudoscience and engaging in unscientific research methods.

Facts about NIDS include:

  1. NIDS collaborated with the Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) program, which was established by Robert Bigelow in 2008 to investigate UFO and UAP sightings. BAASS was contracted by the U.S. government to study the phenomenon, and its research included analysis of materials alleged to be from crashed UFOs.
  2. NIDS conducted a multi-year investigation of the Skinwalker Ranch, which included the deployment of a variety of scientific instruments and equipment, including cameras, sensors, and night vision equipment. The results of the investigation have not been publicly released, but some researchers have claimed that the data collected by NIDS provides evidence of paranormal activity at the site.
  3. NIDS was the subject of a 2008 book by journalist George Knapp and researcher Colm Kelleher, “Hunt for the Skinwalker,” which provides an in-depth look at the organization’s research and findings at the Skinwalker Ranch. The book has been praised for its detailed and comprehensive account of the investigation, but has also been criticized for promoting unverified and unscientific claims.

The National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS) was disbanded in 2004, with many of its functions and resources being absorbed by Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS). The closure of NIDS was seen as a significant setback for the field of paranormal and UFO research, but the organization’s work has continued to influence ongoing investigations and debates surrounding unexplained phenomena.

Key personnel who worked at NIDS include:

  1. Colm Kelleher, Ph.D. – Biochemist and Senior Research Scientist
  2. John B. Alexander, Ph.D. – Retired U.S. Army Colonel and Non-Lethal Weapons Expert
  3. Eric Davis, Ph.D. – Physicist and Aerospace Engineer
  4. Hal Puthoff, Ph.D. – Physicist, Inventor, and former NSA Consultant
  5. Jacques Vallée, Ph.D. – Computer Scientist, Venture Capitalist, and UFOlogist
  6. Roger K. Leir, D.P.M. – Podiatrist and UFO Researcher
  7. Edgar Mitchell, Sc.D. – Former NASA Astronaut and Founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences
  8. Bruce Maccabee, Ph.D. – Optical Physicist and UFO Researcher
  9. Richard F. Haines, Ph.D. – Former NASA Research Scientist and Chief Scientist at the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena (NARCAP)
  10. Ted Roe – Executive Director of NARCAP and UFO Researcher
  11. Peter A. Sturrock, Ph.D. – Astrophysicist and Emeritus Professor of Applied Physics at Stanford University
  12. Melvin A. Morse, M.D. – Pediatrician and Near-Death Experience Researcher

In addition to the work conducted at Skinwalker Ranch, NIDS was involved in several other notable investigations and projects. These include:

  1. The Black Triangle study: NIDS researchers investigated reports of large, triangular-shaped UFOs seen over various locations in the United States and Europe. The organization compiled a database of sightings and attempted to determine whether these objects were secret military aircraft or evidence of extraterrestrial activity.
  2. The “Flying Humanoid” reports: NIDS examined numerous cases of alleged flying humanoid sightings in Mexico and South America. While no definitive conclusions were reached, the organization explored various explanations for the phenomenon, including misidentifications of known objects, hoaxes, and rare atmospheric conditions.
  3. Collaboration with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON): NIDS worked closely with MUFON, one of the largest UFO investigation organizations in the world, to share information and resources related to UFO sightings and encounters.

While the National Institute for Discovery Science may no longer be in operation, its contributions to the study of unexplained phenomena and the broader conversation around UFOs and paranormal activity continue to shape ongoing research and public interest in these enigmatic subjects.