Star Kids also known as Indigo or Crystal Children

Star kids also known as indigo or crystal children

Star Kids, also known as Indigo Children or Crystal Children, are a group of children believed to possess unique spiritual, psychic, or metaphysical abilities. The concept emerged in the late 20th century and gained momentum in the 21st century through various books, articles, and discussions within the New Age and spiritual communities. Proponents claim that these children have a strong connection to extraterrestrial beings or higher-dimensional entities and that they are here to guide humanity through a transformative period towards a more enlightened state of existence. The phenomenon has been reported across the globe, with some believing that these Star Kids are not confined to a specific geographic region or culture.

The idea of Star Kids is rooted in various esoteric and spiritual belief systems, which propose that certain individuals possess heightened awareness, psychic powers, or a deeper connection to the universe. Some theories link the Star Kids phenomenon to changes in human DNA or an evolutionary leap in consciousness.

The concept of Indigo Children, which is closely related to Star Kids, was first introduced by Nancy Ann Tappe in the 1970s. Tappe, a psychic and synesthete, claimed that she could perceive an “indigo” aura around certain children, which she believed was indicative of their unique abilities and spiritual awareness. (Source: Tappe, Nancy Ann. “Understanding Your Life Through Color.” 1982.)

Dr. Richard Boylan, a clinical psychologist, hypnotherapist, and researcher, has extensively written about Star Kids, asserting that they possess enhanced abilities and are here to help humanity. Boylan claims to have worked with thousands of Star Kids and their families, offering support and guidance to these individuals. (Source: Boylan, Richard J. “Star Kids: The Emerging Cosmic Generation.” 2005.)

Some researchers argue that Star Kids may be related to the phenomenon of starseeds, individuals who believe they have a spiritual connection to other star systems or dimensions. The concept of starseeds has been explored by various authors, including Brad Steiger, who wrote about the idea of “Star People” in his 1976 book “Gods of Aquarius.” (Source: Steiger, Brad. “Gods of Aquarius: UFOs and the Transformation of Man.” 1976.)

Experts in the field of spirituality and metaphysics, such as Dr. Richard Boylan, argue that Star Kids have a vital role to play in helping humanity navigate the challenges of the modern world. They believe that these children possess enhanced abilities, such as telepathy, empathy, and precognition, which will enable them to guide society towards a more compassionate and harmonious future.

Books exploring the topic of Star Kids or related phenomena include “The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived” by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober, “Beyond the Indigo Children: The New Children and the Coming of the Fifth World” by P.M.H. Atwater, and “Children of the Stars: Advice for Parents and Star Children” by Nikki Pattillo. These books explore the characteristics of Star Kids, their purpose, and the challenges they may face in their lives. The authors often draw upon anecdotal evidence, personal experiences, or information obtained through psychic or channeling sessions.

The Star Kids phenomenon is a topic that has generated interest and debate within the New Age and spiritual communities. While some authors and experts argue that these children possess unique abilities and are here to guide humanity towards a more enlightened state of existence, mainstream science has not confirmed these claims.