Oval Shaped Ball of Extremely Bright White Light

There have been several UFO sightings that have involved a description of an “oval-shaped ball of extremely bright white light.” Here are a few verified examples:
Mountain Center, California Sighting (2023) – A military veteran camping in Mountain Center, California, reported witnessing an oval-shaped craft emitting a white light. The object, approximately 20 to 30 feet in length and 8 to 10 feet in height, approached within 100 yards of his campsite.
Peabody, Massachusetts Sighting (2019) – On July 4, 2019, a resident of Peabody reported seeing a bright, white, oval-shaped object flying overhead. The sighting lasted only a few seconds but was significant enough to be reported to the National UFO Reporting Center.
San Antonio, Texas Incident (2018) – In October 2018, a San Antonio resident captured a photo of a white oval-shaped glow above a rainbow. The individual was uncertain of the object’s nature, considering possibilities like a drone, but found the image intriguing.
Magherafelt, County Derry Sighting (1998) – In early April 1998, a group walking through a wooded area in Magherafelt observed a light in the sky that transformed from an oval shape to a disc shape before their eyes.
USS Nimitz Encounter (2004) – On November 14, 2004, the USS Princeton, part of the USS Nimitz carrier strike group, noted an unknown craft on radar 100 miles off the coast of San Diego. For two weeks, the crew had been tracking objects that appeared at 80,000 feet and then plummeted to hover right above the Pacific Ocean. Commander David Fravor reported seeing an object, white and oval, hovering above an ocean disturbance. He estimated that the object was about 40 feet long.
Air Force Veteran’s Encounter (2025) – Jake Barber, a U.S. Air Force veteran, reported witnessing a “nonhuman” egg-shaped aircraft while working in a secret government UFO retrieval program. He described the object as having no visible engine and being of alien origin.
These are just a few examples of UFO sightings that have involved a description of an “oval-shaped ball of extremely bright white light.” There have been many other similar sightings throughout the years, and this description remains a common element in many UFO reports.