Out of the Blue Documentary (2003)

Out of the blue documentary (2003)

Out of the Blue” (2003) is a documentary film directed by James Fox that investigates the subject of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and the possible existence of extraterrestrial life. The film takes a comprehensive look at the history of UFO sightings, government cover-ups, and testimonies from eyewitnesses, including military personnel, astronauts, and other experts.

The film, released in 2003, covers numerous UFO sightings that occurred globally over the past few decades. It particularly focuses on significant events such as the 1947 Roswell incident, the 1980 Rendlesham Forest incident, and the 1997 Phoenix Lights sighting. “Out of the Blue” explores various aspects of these incidents and includes interviews with credible witnesses, such as retired military officers, pilots, and government officials, who provide their firsthand accounts of UFO encounters.

One of the documentary’s central questions is whether the government has been intentionally hiding or downplaying the existence of UFOs, and if so, why. It lools into the possibility that the military and other agencies have been actively investigating UFO sightings and may possess information that has not been shared with the public.

  1. Astronaut Gordon Cooper’s UFO encounter: In the documentary, it is revealed that astronaut Gordon Cooper, one of the original Mercury Seven astronauts, had witnessed a UFO during his time with the US Air Force. Cooper described the event in a letter to the United Nations in 1978, urging the organization to take the matter seriously (source: United Nations Archives).
  2. The Rendlesham Forest Incident: Often dubbed as “Britain’s Roswell,” this event took place in December 1980 near RAF Woodbridge, a US military base in the UK. Military personnel reported seeing strange lights and a craft of unknown origin in the forest. Lieutenant Colonel Charles Halt, the deputy base commander, submitted an official report to the UK Ministry of Defence describing the event (source: UK National Archives).
  3. The 1997 Phoenix Lights Sighting: On March 13, 1997, thousands of people in Arizona, Nevada, and Mexico reported seeing a series of mysterious lights in the sky. Former Arizona Governor Fife Symington, who initially dismissed the incident, later admitted to having seen the lights himself and believed them to be of extraterrestrial origin (source: CNN interview, 2007).

UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record” by Leslie Kean, which presents a collection of credible testimonies and evidence, and “The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark” by Carl Sagan, which advocates for a more critical and scientific approach to examining the UFO phenomenon.

Some of the key figures in the film include:

  1. Astronaut Gordon Cooper: One of the original Mercury Seven astronauts, Cooper discusses his UFO encounter while serving in the US Air Force.
  2. Lieutenant Colonel Charles Halt (USAF, Ret.): Halt was the deputy base commander at RAF Woodbridge during the 1980 Rendlesham Forest incident. In the documentary, he recounts his experience and discusses the official report he submitted to the UK Ministry of Defence.
  3. Former Arizona Governor Fife Symington: Symington speaks about his personal experience witnessing the 1997 Phoenix Lights sighting and his belief that the phenomenon was of extraterrestrial origin.
  4. Dr. Edgar Mitchell: The sixth man to walk on the moon, Mitchell discusses his views on UFOs and the possibility of extraterrestrial life. He also talks about the importance of open-mindedness and the need for further investigation.
  5. Dr. Steven Greer: A prominent UFO researcher and founder of the Disclosure Project, Greer provides insight into the UFO phenomenon and discusses alleged government cover-ups.
  6. Dr. Bruce Maccabee: A former Navy physicist and respected UFO researcher, Maccabee provides expert analysis of UFO sightings and related evidence.
  7. Nick Pope: A former British Ministry of Defence official who was responsible for investigating UFO sightings, Pope shares his knowledge and experiences from his time working on the subject.