Intermediaries and Biological Robots

The terms “intermediaries” and “biological robots” are used to describe a hypothesized type of extraterrestrial being that acts as an intermediary between humans and other extraterrestrial species. They are sometimes also called “android-like” or “cyborg-like” beings.
The basic idea is that these beings are not themselves the advanced extraterrestrial species that humans may be communicating with or encountering, but rather are engineered beings created by those advanced beings to interact with humans. They may have a humanoid appearance, with physical characteristics similar to those of humans, but they are actually artificially created.
The concept of “intermediaries” or “biological robots” is often put forward in UFO and extraterrestrial encounter stories as a possible explanation for why the advanced extraterrestrial beings themselves do not directly interact with humans. It is suggested that the intermediaries are created to act as a buffer or intermediary between humans and the more advanced extraterrestrial beings, who may be too advanced or too different from humans to interact with us directly.
Here are some additional examples of UFO stories that have been associated with the concepts of “intermediaries” or “biological robots”:
- The Roswell Incident: In 1947, a UFO reportedly crashed near Roswell, New Mexico, and was recovered by the US military. Some researchers have claimed that the beings recovered from the crash were not actual extraterrestrial beings, but rather “biological robots” or “intermediaries” controlled by a more advanced species.
- The Dulce Base: The Dulce Base is an alleged secret underground facility in New Mexico where the US military is said to have collaborated with extraterrestrial beings. Some conspiracy theories suggest that the base contains “intermediaries” or “biological robots” used by the extraterrestrial beings to carry out their agenda.
- The Rendlesham Forest Incident: In 1980, US Air Force personnel stationed at a base in England reported encountering a UFO in Rendlesham Forest. One of the witnesses described the beings seen near the craft as “mechanical in nature” and “robotic”. Some researchers have suggested that these beings may have been “intermediaries” or “biological robots” controlled by a more advanced species.
- The Phoenix Lights: In 1997, a series of lights were reported in the sky over Phoenix, Arizona. While some reports described the lights as a UFO, others have suggested that they may have been “intermediaries” or “biological robots” used by extraterrestrial beings to observe and interact with humans.
- Betty Andreasson Abduction Case (1967): Betty Andreasson, an American woman, reported being abducted by beings she called “light beings” who communicated telepathically with her. The beings were described as humanoid in appearance, but with large black eyes and slender, featureless faces. According to Andreasson, the beings were “biological robots” controlled by a higher intelligence.
- Varginha Incident (1996): In Brazil, several witnesses reported seeing strange creatures resembling aliens in the town of Varginha. The creatures were described as being about five feet tall, with brown skin, large heads, and red eyes. According to some accounts, the creatures were “biological robots” controlled by extraterrestrial beings.
- David Eckhart Abduction Case (1999): David Eckhart, an American man, reported being abducted by beings he called “grey aliens” who communicated telepathically with him. The beings were described as being about four feet tall, with large black eyes and gray skin. According to Eckhart, the beings were “intermediaries” controlled by a more advanced species of extraterrestrial beings.
- The Zeta Reticuli Incident (1961): Betty and Barney Hill, an American couple, reported being abducted by beings they described as “grey aliens” who communicated telepathically with them. The beings were described as being about five feet tall, with large black eyes and gray skin. According to some accounts, the beings were “biological robots” controlled by a more advanced species of extraterrestrial beings.
- The Travis Walton abduction case: Travis Walton was allegedly abducted by a UFO in Arizona in 1975. During his experience, he claimed to have encountered beings that looked like biological robots.
- The Betty and Barney Hill abduction case: In 1961, Betty and Barney Hill reported that they were abducted by aliens and taken aboard a spacecraft. They described the beings they encountered as having a mechanical appearance, leading some to speculate that they were biological robots or some kind of cyborgs.
- The Kera UFO incident: In 1975, a Japanese woman named Kera claimed to have been abducted by UFOs and taken to another planet. There, she encountered beings that she described as “biological robots” that were controlled by a higher intelligence.
- The Allagash abductions: In 1976, four men from Maine reported that they had been abducted by aliens while on a fishing trip. They described the beings they encountered as robotic in appearance and behavior.