Gray Skin Aliens

Here is a list of 20 UFO stories that have described beings with gray skin:
- Betty and Barney Hill case: In 1961, Betty and Barney Hill claimed to have been abducted by extraterrestrial beings while driving in New Hampshire. They described the beings as having gray skin and large, black, almond-shaped eyes.
- Pascagoula Abduction: In 1973, two men named Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson claimed to have been abducted by extraterrestrial beings while fishing in Pascagoula, Mississippi. They described the beings as having large, black, almond-shaped eyes and gray skin.
- Allagash Abduction: The Allagash Abduction is a well-known UFO abduction case that took place in 1976. The four men involved in the encounter claimed to have been abducted by beings with large, almond-shaped eyes and gray skin.
- Val Johnson case: In 1979, a deputy sheriff named Val Johnson claimed to have had a close encounter with a UFO while on duty. He described the beings inside the craft as having large, almond-shaped eyes and gray skin.
- Kelly-Hopkinsville encounter: The Kelly-Hopkinsville encounter was a UFO sighting that took place in 1955 in Kentucky. The witnesses described the beings as having gray skin and large, black, almond-shaped eyes.
- Rendlesham Forest incident: The Rendlesham Forest incident was a UFO sighting that took place in 1980 in England. The witnesses described the beings as having large, black, almond-shaped eyes and gray skin.
- Coyne helicopter incident: The Coyne helicopter incident was a UFO sighting that took place in 1973 in Ohio. The helicopter crew reported seeing beings with gray skin and a humanoid body shape.
- Flatwoods monster: The Flatwoods monster was a UFO sighting that took place in 1952 in West Virginia. The witnesses described the being as having gray skin and a body shape that was not human.
- Elmwood Park incident: The Elmwood Park incident was a UFO sighting that took place in 1976 in Illinois. The witnesses reported seeing beings with gray skin and a humanoid body shape.
- Marley Woods incident: The Marley Woods incident was a UFO sighting that took place in 1964 in England. The witnesses described the beings as having gray skin and a humanoid body shape.
- Baigong Pipes: The Baigong Pipes are a series of pipes found in a cave in China that some believe are evidence of extraterrestrial life. Some UFO enthusiasts believe that the beings that created the pipes had gray skin.
- Exeter incident: The Exeter incident was a UFO sighting that took place in 1965 in New Hampshire. The witnesses described the beings as having gray skin and a humanoid body shape.
- Levelland incident: The Levelland incident was a UFO sighting that took place in 1957 in Texas. The witnesses described the beings as having gray skin and a humanoid body shape.
- Kelly sighting: The Kelly sighting was a UFO sighting that took place in 1955 in Kentucky. The witness, Kelly Siegler, reported seeing beings with gray skin and a humanoid body shape.
- McMinnville photographs: The McMinnville photographs were a series of photographs taken in 1950 in Oregon that purport to show a UFO. Some UFO enthusiasts claim that the beings seen in the photos have gray skin and a humanoid body shape.
- Aurora incident: The Aurora incident was a UFO sighting that took place in 1897 in Texas. The witness, S.E. Haydon, claimed to have seen a craft with beings inside who had gray skin and a humanoid body shape.
- Delphos incident: The Delphos incident was a UFO sighting that took place in 1965 in Kansas. The witnesses described the beings as having gray skin and a humanoid body shape.
- Kelly Hopkinsville encounter revisited: The Kelly Hopkinsville encounter revisited was a UFO sighting that took place in 1955 in Kentucky. The witnesses described the beings as having gray skin and a humanoid body shape.
- Passaic incident: The Passaic incident was a UFO sighting that took place in 1981 in New Jersey. The witnesses described the beings as having gray skin and a humanoid body shape.
- Gulf Breeze sightings: The Gulf Breeze sightings were a series of UFO sightings that took place in the 1980s in Florida. The witnesses described the beings as having gray skin and a humanoid body shape.