Galactic Federation

The concept of a “galactic federation” refers to a hypothetical organization or governing body that is made up of representatives from various extraterrestrial civilizations and that is responsible for overseeing interactions between these civilizations and humanity.

One of the most notable claims about a galactic federation was made by Haim Eshed, an Israeli retired general and former head of Israel’s Defense Ministry’s space division. In an interview with a Israeli newspaper in December 2021, Eshed claimed that the United States government has been in contact with extraterrestrial beings for several decades and that a secret “galactic federation” has been established to govern interactions between humans and extraterrestrial civilizations.

In addition to Eshed’s claims, several other individuals have made claims about the existence of a galactic federation and have provided details about its structure and activities.

The following individuals have expressed support for the idea of a “galactic federation”:

  1. Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Defence Minister
  2. Haim Eshed, former Israeli Defence Minister
  3. Stanton Friedman, nuclear physicist and ufologist
  4. M.K. Jessup, author and ufologist

Some of these claims include:

  1. Extraterrestrial beings have been studying humanity for a long time and are aware of our weaknesses and strengths.
  2. The existence of extraterrestrial life and the “galactic federation” has been kept secret from the public to prevent mass panic and social upheaval.
  3. Extraterrestrial beings have established bases on Mars and have even visited Earth.
  4. The extraterrestrial beings have advanced technology that is far beyond our understanding and have helped humanity in many ways.
  5. Extraterrestrial beings are aware of the dangers posed by climate change and other environmental threats and have been helping humanity to address these issues.

These claims about a galactic federation have been widely debated and are not supported by concrete evidence. While they have captured the imagination of the public and have been the subject of much speculation, the truth behind the claims remains uncertain.

In terms of books, the topic of a galactic federation is often discussed in books about extraterrestrial life and UFO sightings, including “UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record” by Leslie Kean, “The Day After Roswell” by Colonel Philip J. Corso, and “UFOs and the National Security State: The Cover-Up Exposed, 1973-1991” by Richard M. Dolan.

These claims include the idea that extraterrestrial beings have been in contact with humanity for several decades and that a secret governing body has been established to oversee interactions between humans and extraterrestrial civilizations.
