Richard Doty

Richard Doty served as a Special Agent for Counter-Intelligence for the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI). For over eight years, Doty was specifically involved in UFO and extraterrestrial issues at various locations, including Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico and Nellis Air Force Base, famously known as Area 51.
Richard Doty began his AFOSI career in the 1970s, stationed at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico. During this period, he became involved in UFO investigations and the strategic spread of misleading information about extraterrestrial phenomena. Doty has claimed that his disinformation efforts were part of a U.S. government agenda to obscure the true nature of UFO sightings and phenomena, diverting public attention from genuine UFO occurrences and classified projects.
In July 2016, Doty participated in a revealing two-hour interview with Dr. Steven Greer in Albuquerque, New Mexico. During this interview, Doty made several explosive claims, including the existence of a False Flag operation involving UFOs, the media’s corruption, and the U.S. government’s responsibility for civilian injuries in the Cash-Landrum UFO case.
In the interview, Doty discussed his time at Kirtland Air Force Base, where he was briefed into a special access program concerning the U.S. government’s investigations and interactions with extraterrestrial beings. He revealed that a significant portion of his duties involved investigating UFO sightings and assessing potential threats posed by extraterrestrials to Air Force properties.
Doty detailed a briefing he received in the summer of 1979, which included information on the infamous Roswell incident. He explained that the crash, originally believed to have occurred in Roswell, actually happened closer to Corona, New Mexico, with a second crash site near Magdalena, discovered in 1949.
Doty described being shown a classified 16-millimeter film documenting the recovery of extraterrestrial bodies and a surviving extraterrestrial from the Roswell site. The film, narrated to provide context, showed military personnel recovering the bodies and the craft, which was described as egg-shaped rather than saucer-shaped. The extraterrestrial bodies were reportedly stored in a deep freeze and sent to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. The craft featured advanced avionics controlled by the extraterrestrials through a combination of hand placements and headsets.
In 1981, an Air Force scientist passed away, and among his possessions was an old army footlocker filled with autopsy photographs. These photographs depicted the autopsies of creatures that died in the Corona crash. Richard Doty, possessing some medical knowledge, immediately recognized that these were not human autopsies. The photographs showed the organs of the creatures, which were distinctly different from human anatomy. For instance, the beings had a single organ that functioned as both heart and lungs, several stomachs for different digestive processes, and an organ that extracted moisture from their food, minimizing their need for fluids. These details were confirmed when Doty, along with other agents, received a briefing from a medical doctor from the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Washington, D.C., who provided an anatomy lesson on these extraterrestrial beings.
Doty also discovered that the creatures had brains with 11 lobes and unique structures where their spinal cords met their brains. Their eyes were sophisticated, with optic nerves connecting to various parts of their brains, suggesting different visual processing capabilities. The beings did not have ears but possessed an auditory canal and a gland that likely served as their hearing organ. Interestingly, they lacked vocal cords and communicated through hand signals until a procedure enabled one of them to produce sounds.
The creatures’ muscles were extremely fibrous, providing significant strength despite their lack of bulk. The reproductive system included a gland inside their bodies, which functioned differently from human reproductive organs. The beings’ unique physiological features were astonishing and highlighted their non-human origin.
Doty also mentioned the presence of telepathic communication among the extraterrestrials, a method confirmed years later. An Air Force captain, a linguist and intelligence officer, was able to establish a deep rapport with one of the beings, facilitating extensive communication. This captain lived with the extraterrestrial for several years until its death.
The being was known as a EBE (Extraterrestrial Biological Entity). This captain was instrumental in facilitating communication with the EBE, who was reportedly one of the beings recovered from the infamous 1947 UFO crash in Corona, New Mexico.
The EBE was a male extraterrestrial who was transported to Los Alamos, where he lived until his death in 1952. During his time at Los Alamos, EBE provided extensive information about his species’ technology and knowledge of the universe. This communication was primarily telepathic, as EBE was unable to communicate using vocal cords like humans. The Air Force captain, assigned as EBE’s handler, developed a close working relationship with him, allowing for more in-depth exchanges of information.
EBE’s insights into their advanced technology, which was estimated to be around 50,000 years ahead of current human capabilities, were considered highly valuable. This case exemplifies the level of detail and cooperation involved in the interactions between the U.S. government and extraterrestrial entities, as well as the secrecy and compartmentalization within these programs.
Doty also mentioned other types of extraterrestrial beings and crafts documented in the program, including insect-like beings and humanoid entities with distinct features. He highlighted the technological advancements of these beings, such as a zero-point energy device found within the crafts, capable of powering devices ranging from small gadgets to entire cities.
The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) was deeply involved in these investigations, and a project manager named Tom Mack oversaw the related operations. The project names often used phonetic alphabets combined with district and case numbers for classification. For instance, Doty recounted an incident at Pease Air Force Base involving a UFO that tampered with a nuclear weapon, leaving behind strange fingerprints not resembling any known human prints. This marked the first time the government obtained extraterrestrial fingerprints.
These discoveries and investigations were part of a broader effort to understand and manage the extraterrestrial presence, especially concerning their frequent appearances around nuclear facilities. Doty’s accounts provide a glimpse into the secretive and complex nature of these government operations and the extraterrestrial phenomena they sought to unravel.
Richard Doty recounted an incident involving a retired Air Force pilot living in Placitas, north of Albuquerque, who captured a 28-second video of a UFO hovering over his backyard. The man, an amateur wildlife photographer, filmed the craft before it took off. This video was brought to Kirtland Air Force Base, where Doty and his team analyzed it, subsequently sending the video to their headquarters. The pilot never got his camera back but was compensated for it.
Doty described an incident where President Reagan was briefed at Sandia National Laboratories about a cylinder found on an extraterrestrial craft. This cylinder was an advanced avionics and navigation device.
In discussing reverse engineering, Doty mentioned his knowledge of the Cash-Landrum incident in 1980, where an Air Force-piloted craft, based on extraterrestrial technology, malfunctioned and emitted radioactivity.
He also described his observations at the Nevada Test Site, where he saw an anti-gravity craft and other advanced technologies being tested. Doty clarified that different facilities housed alien crafts and reverse-engineered crafts separately, highlighting the compartmentalization within these programs.
In the latter part of 1984 or early 1985, Richard Doty was approached by an OSI agent from Hill Air Force Base about a man living near Dugway Proving Ground who had sent in numerous photographs of UFOs. This man, who had a background as an Army photographer and worked for Dugway after leaving the Army, possessed extensive knowledge about cameras. Doty flew out to meet him and discovered a book full of photographs of UFOs and extraterrestrial beings, which the man claimed had been visiting his remote property since 1968.
The man recounted his first encounter in 1968, where he witnessed a craft landing in his backyard and took photographs of the extraterrestrial beings, whom he described as resembling the ebens. These beings communicated with him telepathically and left behind various gifts, including bronze statues and other peculiar objects. The contact with these beings reportedly continued until 1975 or 1976, when they told the man they were leaving and presented him with numerous gifts, which included star-shaped objects and other items that seemed significant but were difficult to interpret. The man, a heavy smoker facing a terminal illness, decided to disclose this information to the Air Force as he felt he had to pass on the items.
Upon receiving the report, Doty’s superiors sent a team, including NSA and CIA personnel, to collect and analyze the items. A large moving van was contracted to transport the objects, which were meticulously packaged due to concerns about potential signals or radioactivity. The items were then taken to headquarters, and Doty never received further information about their analysis or disposition.
Doty mentioned that the man’s name was James, with a Polish-sounding last name, possibly Sidarsky. James had grown up in an orphanage in Northern California after his immigrant parents died when he was young. The gifts from the extraterrestrials included bronze hearts with calligraphy and ceramic statues, as well as a wreath-like object with symbols around it. James also had a laminated star chart that he believed showed the origin of the beings, which he handed over to Doty.
The photographs included clear daytime images of the interior of a craft, showing instrument panels and a large screen displaying what appeared to be navigational charts or star maps. Despite the significance of these items and photographs, Doty never heard any further updates from the headquarters regarding their findings or analysis.
These experiences underscore the U.S. government’s clandestine efforts to understand and possibly reverse-engineer alien technology, while maintaining strict secrecy around these operations. Doty’s revelations offer a rare glimpse into the shadowy world of government interactions with extraterrestrial phenomena, combining elements of intrigue, scientific discovery, and profound secrecy.