John B. Alexander

John b. alexander

John B. Alexander is a retired U.S. Army colonel and researcher who has made significant contributions to the field of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and the paranormal. Throughout his career, Alexander has been a vocal advocate for the scientific investigation of the UFO phenomenon and has been at the forefront of efforts to bring greater credibility to the field.

Alexander’s interest in the paranormal began during his time in the military, when he became aware of reports of strange occurrences and encounters with the unknown. After retiring from the military, he began to explore these subjects in greater depth and has since become one of the leading voices in the field of UFO research.

Throughout his career, Alexander has written several books on the subject of UFOs and the paranormal, including “UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies, and Realities,” “The Truth About the ET/UFO Phenomenon,” and “The Phoenix Lights.” These books offer unique insights into the world of the paranormal and provide a fascinating glimpse into the unknown.

  1. Alexander has been a vocal advocate for the scientific investigation of the UFO phenomenon and has worked to bring greater credibility to the field. He has been a member of several organizations dedicated to investigating the UFO phenomenon and has been involved in a number of high-level discussions and conferences on the subject. (Source: John B. Alexander’s official website, 2020)
  2. Alexander has also been a strong advocate for the study of consciousness and the relationship between the human mind and the paranormal. He has been involved in research into the effects of meditation and other practices on the mind and has explored the idea that consciousness may be the key to unlocking the mysteries of the unknown. (Source: John B. Alexander’s official website, 2020)
  3. Alexander has been a key figure in the investigation of the “Phoenix Lights” incident, which took place in Arizona in 1997. The Phoenix Lights incident remains one of the most well-documented UFO sightings in history, and Alexander has been involved in efforts to shed new light on the nature of the phenomenon and its possible implications for humanity. (Source: “The Phoenix Lights” documentary, 2018)

John B. Alexander is a retired U.S. Army colonel and researcher who has made significant contributions to the field of UFO research and the paranormal. Throughout his career, Alexander has been a vocal advocate for the scientific investigation of the UFO phenomenon and has been at the forefront of efforts to bring greater credibility to the field. His writing and his involvement in high-level discussions and conferences on the subject have made him a valuable resource for those interested in the world of the paranormal and the unknown. Alexander remains an important voice in the field of UFO research and continues to inspire and engage those interested in the subjects of the paranormal and the unknown.