John A. Keel

John a. keel

John A. Keel was an American journalist, author, and UFOlogist, best known for his work in the field of paranormal phenomena and unexplained events. Born in 1930 as Alva John Kiehle, Keel was a prolific writer and contributed to numerous publications throughout his career.

Keel’s interest in the paranormal began in the 1950s, when he was a young man working as a journalist. He was intrigued by the many reports of UFO sightings and encounters that were being reported in the media, and he wanted to learn more about this strange phenomenon.

Keel’s extensive research on UFOs led him to analyze government documents to better understand the phenomenon. While many researchers focused on the extraterrestrial hypothesis—that UFO sightings were evidence of alien visitors—Keel took a different approach. In his groundbreaking book, “The Mothman Prophecies” (1975), he introduced the concept of “ultraterrestrials,” which suggested that UFOs and other strange occurrences could be the result of supernatural or interdimensional beings.

Keel posited that these beings could be similar to the angels and demons mentioned in religious texts and folklore, and might be interacting with humans for reasons beyond our comprehension. This idea diverged from the mainstream UFO theories of the time, which largely revolved around the concept of extraterrestrial life. Keel suggested that these beings could exist in a realm beyond our normal perception, occasionally interacting with our world and influencing human history. The various descriptions of angels, demons, and other supernatural entities from different cultures and time periods might be different interpretations of these same ultraterrestrial beings.

In addition to his work on the Mothman Prophecies, Keel also conducted research on other high-profile UFO sightings and encounters, including the Rendlesham Forest incident and the Phoenix Lights incident. He was a prolific writer and contributed numerous articles and books on the subject of UFOs and the paranormal.

John A. Keel’s research on UFOs:

  1. Many UFO sightings may be the result of supernatural forces: According to Keel’s research, many UFO sightings may be the result of supernatural forces, such as demons or angels. He cites witness testimonies and other credible sources as evidence of this claim.
  2. The government may be concealing information about UFO sightings: Keel’s research has shown that the government may be concealing information about UFO sightings and encounters. He has analyzed numerous government documents and found evidence of this claim.
  3. The phenomenon of UFO sightings may be part of a larger supernatural phenomenon: Keel’s research suggests that the phenomenon of UFO sightings is part of a larger supernatural phenomenon that includes other paranormal events, such as poltergeists, apparitions, and telekinesis.

It is important to note that John A. Keel’s research is based on rigorous analysis. His findings have been published in numerous books and articles, and are widely respected in the scientific community.

John A. Keel was a pioneering researcher of the phenomenon of UFOs and the paranormal. Through his extensive research, Keel proposed some unique and surprising theories about the subject and has helped to advance our understanding of this complex and fascinating topic.


  1. Keel, John A. “The Mothman Prophecies.” Signet Books, 1975.
  2. Keel, John A. “UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse.” IllumiNet Press, 1990.
  3. “John A. Keel: The Strange World of the UFO Phenomenon.” ParaExplorers, podcast, 2022.